Brands & manufacturers

Sneakz Organic unveils vegan protein powders for kids

Sneakz Organic unveils vegan protein powders for kids

By Elaine Watson

‘Stealth nutrition’ brand Sneakz Organic – best known for its veggie puree-infused milkshakes - is entering a new category with the launch of vegan protein powders for kids, which will be followed by a dairy-free ready-to-drink shake, and new products...

Start-up Birdnip launches nootropic supplement… for dogs

Start-up Birdnip launches nootropic supplement… for dogs

By Adi Menayang

With powdered Bacopa monneri, Rhodiola rosea, shiitake mushroom, kelp, carrot and beet, start-up Birdnip wants to improve cognitive function in dogs with its debut product Nootrodog. But will a nootropic supplement for our four-legged friends have legs?

Image © Getty Images / mpessaris

Will 2018 be the year that low FODMAP diets explode?

By Stephen Daniells

The US market for low FODMAP foods aimed at helping IBS sufferers is still small and consumer awareness is low, but companies large and small are targeting a category that could be bigger than gluten-free.

© Getty Images / oatawa

What’s on NutraIngredients-USA's calendar for 2018?

By Stephen Daniells

From weight management to deep dives into sports nutrition, multivitamins, beauty-from-within, personalized nutrition, botanicals, omega-3s, probiotics, and more, Nutraingredients-USA’s 2018 editorial calendar of special editions spans the hottest trends...

Alp Nutrition grows the herbs used in its products in a plot high in the Swiss Alps. Alp Nutrition photo

Sports brand new to US market trades on Alpine purity

By Hank Schultz

A sports supplement has debuted on the US market that capitalizes on the purity associated with Alpine settings along with the founder’s experience as a biochemist and former strength athlete.

Thorne Research is building a large new manufacuring and headquarters facility in Sourth Carolina.

Investment to help Thorne expand business in Japan

By Hank Schultz

Practitioner channel specialist Thorne Research is expanding its manufacturing capabilities and has concluded an investment partnership that will expand its business in Japan.


SOFAR Americas launches Innovia probiotic micro-shot

By Stephen Daniells

With consumers increasingly looking for alternatives to pills, SOFAR Americas has launched a new probiotic micro-shot, and the initial market reception has been very positive for the patented DryCap delivery system.

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