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Adding the fizz

Adding the fizz

New York bottled water company Adirondack Pure Springs is launching
an enhanced water variation of its energy drink range Pinnacle.

Take two functional foods...

Take two functional foods...

New research from UK-based Institute of Food Research reveals that
two food components recognised for their ability to fight cancer
are up to 13 times more powerful when put to work together. The
findings could open up new possibilities...

Sweet alliance

Sweet alliance

Cargill Sweeteners North America, a subsidiary of agro-giant
Cargill, has formed a marketing alliance with sugar beet processor
Wyoming Sugar to sell and distribute sugar products to food and
beverage manufacturers. The agreement...

Understanding Vitamin A

Understanding Vitamin A

Why can vitamin A help immune systems to fight back when under
attack by some food-poisoning organisms but not, for example, the
common cold? Researchers in the US try to unravel the mystery.

Fishing for health

Fishing for health

Moves to further investigate the impact of fish consumption on
heart health have been undertaken in a new study by Edinburgh
university in Scotland.

Our amazing internal world

Our amazing internal world

New insights about the foundations of our health could soon be
revealed thanks to the recent completion of the genome sequence of
one of the most prevalent bacteria that live in the human intestine
- Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron.

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