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Spicing up the pepper market

Spicing up the pepper market

The International Pepper Community (IPC) - gathered in India this
week - has agreed to tackle falling pepper sales, aiming to get
quality standards accepted by importing and exporting countries all
around the world. IPC hopes on NPD...

Solbar keeps them rolling

Solbar keeps them rolling

Ambitious Israeli soy ingredients company Solbar Industries keeps
the new products rolling out with the launch this week of Solpro
900, a soy protein isolate for infant formula, nutritional foods
and beverages, as its investment programme...

No let-up for Solbar

No let-up for Solbar

Israeli soy ingredients firm Solbar Industries introduces the
latest in its isolate range, Solpro 900, for use in infant formula,
nutritional foods and beverages.

Wise up to sage benefits

Wise up to sage benefits

The herb sage can improve memory, finds new research that confirms
the theories of herbalists several centuries ago. The findings
could have significant implications for treatments for Alzheimer's
disease, suggest the UK-based...

Food science in 3D

Food science in 3D

Giant three-dimensional moving molecules roving before the eyes
could help scientists understand molecular behaviour in a matter of
minutes - instead of the more typical weeks using traditional

Abbott in the right Zone

Abbott in the right Zone

Pushing forward in the weight control market, in a deal worth $160
million Abbott Laboratories is now the owner of ZonePerfect
Nutrition, the fastest-growing brand in the nutritional bar

WTO, winners and losers

WTO, winners and losers

As the countdown to the September rendez-vous for WTO global trade
negotiations in Cancun in Mexico begins, European agriculture
commissioner Franz Fischler shares his views on globalisation and
the market economy, and in particular,...

HACCP recognition for DMV

HACCP recognition for DMV

Nutrition ingredients supplier DMV International, part of billion
euro dairy company Campina, is the first US company to be approved
by L.R.Q.A. for HACCP certification under the new RvA standard.

Carrots crack colon cancer

Carrots crack colon cancer

Colon cancer is a major cause of premature death in Europe,
accounting for approximately 75,000 deaths each year. Can fruit and
vegetables really cut the risk of disease? New study suggests
phenolic compounds, or polyphenols, can...

Heart healthy gravy

Heart healthy gravy

Road's End Organics, the US manufacturer of organic dairy-free
Chreese products, introduces three cholesterol- and gluten-free
gravy mixes onto the market.

US calls for GM dispute panel

US calls for GM dispute panel

The United States, Argentina and Canada have asked the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) to set up a dispute settlement panel to decide
whether or not the EU's policies on genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) constitute a barrier...

Heart-healthy chocolate

Heart-healthy chocolate

Research into the possible health benefits of the world's all time
favourite - chocolate - continues. Scientists from Europe claim
that the high flavonoid-rich cocoa content of dark chocolate could
effectively reduce both cardiovascular...

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