Regulation & policy

Nut so good - tainted US food system needs revamping

Nut so good - tainted US food system needs revamping

E. coli in ground beef, melamine in infant formula, and salmonella in peanut butter - what is next? Isn’t it about time the slices of the US food safety pie were taken back from the multiple federal agencies involved and surveillance placed under one...

FDA supplement warning letters: 2008 year in review

FDA supplement warning letters: 2008 year in review

By Ivan Wasserman and Svetlana Walker

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued over 40 warning letters to supplement marketers last year. An analysis by FDA legal specialists Ivan Wasserman and Svetlana Walker reveals that the agency’s focus was on cancer claims made on internet web...

What Obama means for functional foods and supplements: Part I

What Obama means for functional foods and supplements: Part I

By Loren Israelsen

As we enter the Obama era today, examines the likely effects of the much-awaited Congressional shift on the functional foods and dietary supplements industries. According to industry veteran Loren Israelsen, the road ahead could...

US health experts urge Obama to take ‘urgent action’ on obesity

US health experts urge Obama to take ‘urgent action’ on obesity

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

A group of prominent American health professionals has issued a letter urging President-elect Barack Obama to take “bold and urgent action” to curb obesity or, they say, the current generation could be the first to live shorter lives than their parents.

When foods become drugs

When foods become drugs

By Lorraine Heller

As the year draws to a close, looks at occasions where the US FDA has intervened to clear up the food, drink and supplement industries of products that overstep the fine line between function and pharmaceutical.

Omega-3 and the need for an RDI

Omega-3 and the need for an RDI

Omega-3 is arguably one of the ingredients most essential to people’s overall health, but consumption still falls massively short. In this roundtable discussion, Lorraine Heller speaks to experts in the field about the necessity and challenges of establishing...

Petitions: The new tool to attack supplements

Petitions: The new tool to attack supplements

The petition filed earlier this year by GSK in an effort to wipe out the dietary supplement category for weight loss is unlikely to pass. But it highlights a major new threat to the industry: The use of petitions to discredit the supplements sector. Lorraine...

A menu for American food policy

A menu for American food policy

At the time of writing, the US is poised to go to the polls. The next two days are going to be hugely exciting. And when it’s all over, after the victor gets some well-earned rest… he’ll rub his sleepy eyes and ask: ‘What’s for breakfast?'.

The biggest challenges in making GMPs work

The biggest challenges in making GMPs work

Many medium and small dietary supplement companies are still not close to meeting new GMP requirements, despite the looming deadlines. Lorraine Heller speaks to industry members about the major challenges that remain, and the next steps that should be...

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