Regulation & policy

What is Section 912?

What is Section 912?

Stuart Craig, Danisco's director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, North America, explains why Section 912 could have a major impact on the way dietary supplements are regulated in the United States.

The hour of stevia is nigh

The hour of stevia is nigh

The course of true love never did run smooth. The same could be said of stevia’s road to regulatory approval as a food ingredient. One final concerted effort is needed to ensure approval of this hot ingredient.

The coffee and energy drink caffeine divide

The coffee and energy drink caffeine divide

Coffee and tea-based products are free from the caffeine labelling requirements of energy drinks. But is this in consumers’ best interests? Neil Merrett reports.

Prebiotic wins GRAS approval

Prebiotic wins GRAS approval

By Shane Starling

Whey and milk-based ingredients specialist, Friesland Foods Domo, has received GRAS status (generally recognized as safe) for its prebiotic ingredient Vivinal GOS from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

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