Regulation & policy

In defense of DSHEA: a call for calm

In defense of DSHEA: a call for calm

By Ivan J. Wasserman and Svetlana N. Walker

The recent Hydroxycut recall has caused a stir and the knives are out once again for the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). But food lawyers Ivan Wasserman and Svetlana Walker argue those that would carve the regulation up are turning...

General Mills Cheerios cereal is a drug, says FDA

General Mills Cheerios cereal is a drug, says FDA

By Lorraine Heller

General Mills has been told to change the marketing of its popular Cheerios whole grain cereal, as the health claims it currently uses classify it as an unapproved drug.

How the EU health claims process could impact US

How the EU health claims process could impact US

How will the new health claims system in Europe impact the state of play in the North American market? Lorraine Heller speaks to a leading international ingredients supplier about the potential marketing and regulatory implications.

Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

Food safety reform: Not a century too soon

On a summer’s day in 1906 Theodore Roosevelt pushed through new food safety regulation. The Food and Drugs Act passed that day over 100 years ago was the last time the US food safety system was modernized.

Fierce clamp-down for swine flu supplements

Fierce clamp-down for swine flu supplements

Marc Ullman, partner at Ullman, Shapiro & Ullman tells what is in store for companies falsely marketing dietary supplements as preventions for swine flu.

GMP inspections likely to start by fall, says FDA

Dispatches from Supply Side East

GMP inspections likely to start by fall, says FDA

By Lorraine Heller

Although all medium-sized dietary supplement manufacturers in the US will be required to meet new GMP regulations as of June this year, FDA has said it is unlikely to start inspections until fall. The agency’s manager of the Division of Dietary Supplements...

Why omega-3 nutrient claims are important, GOED

Why omega-3 nutrient claims are important, GOED

By Lorraine Heller

A proposed ruling to prohibit the use of omega-3 nutrient content claims would generate consumer confusion by limiting the ways in which manufacturers can communicate meaningful omega-3 references on their products, says the Global Organization for EPA...

CRN: GMP blind spots remain

Dispatches from Expo West

CRN: GMP blind spots remain

By Shane Starling

The staggered implementation of America’s controversial GMP rules is underway and due for completion in June, 2010. For the Council for Responsible Nutrition’s VP of regulatory and scientific affairs, Andrew Shao, PhD, the bill may be progressing but...

GOED prepares petition for omega-3 RDA

Dispatches from Expo West

GOED prepares petition for omega-3 RDA

By Shane Starling

Omega-3 trade group Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED) is preparing to petition the US Institute of Medicine (IOM) to establish a recommended daily allowance for the nutritional lipid. Shane Starling catches up with the organization’s executive...

Enviga (alone) doesn’t promote weight loss

Enviga (alone) doesn’t promote weight loss

By Shane Starling

Coca-Cola and Nestle have agreed to alter the marketing for their energy-burning, green tea-based energy drink, Enviga, after agreeing a settlement with a number of US states that protested its weight loss messaging.

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