Is a transparent global supply chain the Holy Grail?

Special edition: Transparency in Dietary Supplements

Is a transparent global supply chain the Holy Grail?

By Stephen Daniells

The dietary supplements industry must be transparent about transparency to ensure that it transparency really does make a difference and boost consumer confidence in the products, say industry experts.

Should transparency be a priority for the supplements industry?

Special edition: Transparency in Dietary Supplements

Should transparency be a priority for the supplements industry?

By Stephen Daniells

The NY AG’s probe into herbal supplements has done a lot to change the industry conversation over transparency, and some practices by some industry members cannot continue because they jeopardize the entire business community, say industry experts.

FDA seizes $400,000 worth of kratom products in Illinois

FDA seizes $400,000 worth of kratom products in Illinois

By Hank Schultz

Despite an import ban on the substance, kratom-containing products continue to find their way into the country. In the latest action, the Food and Drug Administration has seized 90,000 bottles at a facility in Illinois.

Image: iStockPhoto / Lukatme

Looking Ahead at 2016? Be Prepared!

By Steve Mister, president & CEO, the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)

What a difference a year makes! Last January at this time, who in the industry would have predicted the New York Attorney General (AG) debacle in February? Or Senator Dick Durbin’s dietary supplement amendments on the defense authorization bill in May?...

Image: iStockPhoto

Product diversion is becoming more prevalent, says Nosco expert

By Stephen Daniells

Diversion – the selling of authentic products in invalid markets, like MLM products on Amazon – is on the rise, with the healthcare practitioner and MLM channels most affected, says an expert from packaging specialists Nosco.

Image: © iStockPhoto / Kagenmi

An Update on the Quality of Australian and New Zealand Products

Omega-3 fish oil products and responding to a flawed research study

By Terri Albert, Kevin Krail, Lalen Dogan, Peter D Nichols and Andrew Sinclair

How does the industry respond when a scientific study comes out that is critical of quality and label claim for an omega-3 fish oil supplement, and, in the opinion of many experts, the research is flawed?

It’s here! FDA creates Office of Dietary Supplement Programs

It’s here! FDA creates Office of Dietary Supplement Programs

By Stephen Daniells

The US Food and Drug Administration has announced the creation of the Office of Dietary Supplement Programs (ODSP), elevating the program from its previous status as a division under the Office of Nutrition Labeling and Dietary Supplements.

Image: iStockPhoto

The 10 key events of 2015… Our Editors’ selection

By Stephen Daniells

As we enter the twilight days of 2015 the editors of NutraIngredients-USA become a reflective bunch. A lot of things happened this year, and here is our top 10 of most important events of the year…

Image: iStockPhoto

Trade associations unanimous in support of DoJ/FTC/FDA crackdown

By Stephen Daniells

Dietary supplement trade associations have universally welcomed the Department of Justice’s nationwide sweep targeting more than 100 makers and marketers of dietary supplements for alleged fraudulent ingredients and illegal claims.

Image © iStockPhoto / bernie_moto

USP launches new GMP audit certification program


There’s a new player in the GMP audit sector, with the United States Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) expanding its verification services to include a new GMP audit program for dietary supplement and dietary ingredient manufacturers.

Image © iStockPhoto / monticelllo

CRN exploring development of registry of dietary supplements


The Board of the Council for Responsible Nutrition has adopted the proposal to move forward with a registry of dietary supplements, which could be a relatively quick process if an existing database can be ‘massaged’ to fit the criteria.

GNC stock price plunges 28% after disappointing Q3 earnings report

GNC stock price plunges 28% after disappointing Q3 earnings report

By Hank Schultz

GNC’s stock value took a significant hit following the release of disappointing third quarter earnings. The company finds itself between the rock of investigations by state attorneys general and the hard place of a turnaround effort that is proving more...

BASF: Transparency and quality are great opportunities

BASF: Transparency and quality are great opportunities


The shifting landscape of dietary supplements and increasing scrutiny by the media, regulators and consumers is driving the need for greater transparency and quality, says BASF’s human nutrition business director.

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