DNA barcoding is still a science project: BI Chief

DNA barcoding is still a science project: BI Chief

By Stephen Daniells

The dietary supplements industry has done a great job coming together to address raw material supply in the wake of the New York Attorney General’s action, says George Pontiakos, CEO of BI Nutraceuticals.

Experts dispute notion that DSHEA hamstrung FDA

Experts dispute notion that DSHEA hamstrung FDA

By Hank Schultz

Despite the tenor of a recent meeting of ex FDA commissioners, DSHEA didn’t tie the hands of federal regulators, experts contacted by NutraIngredients-USA have said.

Boswellia: 'There needs to be a focus on the quality of the extracts...But I believe the industry can clean itself up.' ©iStock

'When the price is low you should be suspicious.'

Action needed to curb boswellia adulteration: QC analyst

By Shane Starling from Paris

Boswellia serrata adulteration remains a major problem in the EU and elsewhere and responsible players need to do more to identify fraudulent material and actors, an expert has said.

FDA developing next-gen toolbox for probiotic products

FDA developing next-gen toolbox for probiotic products

By Stephen Daniells

The US Food and Drug Administration is developing a next-generation toolbox for analyzing live microbial products, including DNA microarrays, metagenomic sequencing and analysis, and a whole genome database development.

Alkemist Labs clarifies C of A policy

Alkemist Labs clarifies C of A policy

By Stephen Daniells

Lab reports that mimic Alkemist Labs’ distinctive testing format may be causing confusion in the marketplace and undermining the integrity of an Alkemist Labs C of A, the company has said.

Image: iStockPhoto

FDA ‘appreciates’ CRN’s product registry efforts

By Stephen Daniells

The US Food and Drug Administration tells NutraIngredients-USA that it looks forward to learning more about the Council for Responsible Nutrition’s proposed industry-wide dietary supplement product registry.

NMR test method could revolutionize verification of omega-3 oils


NMR test method could revolutionize verification of omega-3 oils

By Hank Schultz

Transparency in the supply chain rests on reliable tests to verify the provenance of ingredients, but proving beyond doubt where an oil came from has been a problem in the omega-3s space. A new test method being brought to market by the company OmegaVeritas...

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