ABC offers exhaustive look at history, implications of NYAG affair

ABC offers exhaustive look at history, implications of NYAG affair

By Hank Schultz

The American Botanical Council has released an in-depth look at the history and implications of the New York Attorney General affair on the organization’s website.  The 9,500-word article, containing 71 references, is the most detailed look at the situation...

ABC taps into European herbal insights via new advisory board member

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe

ABC taps into European herbal insights via new advisory board member

By Hank Schultz

Europe, and especially Germany, has historically been a hotbed of herbal lore, science and product development. The American Botanical Council recently tapped into this knowledge in a more fundamental way by adding Joerg Gruenwald, PhD, to its advisory...

NSF: Certification eliminates doubt for 'gluten-free' probiotics

NSF: Certification eliminates doubt for 'gluten-free' probiotics

By Hank Schultz

The question of the presence of gluten in probiotics made a splash recently with the release of a study that found some trace of the protein in a number of top-selling brands.  It’s a question of process, not an issue with ‘contamination’ per se, said...

NYAG affair will have implications for probiotics suppliers, exec says

Probiota Americas

NYAG affair will have implications for probiotics suppliers, exec says

By Hank Schultz

According to one prominent executive, for the probiotics industry, the fallout from the NYAG affair should be fairly straightforward:  Make sure you know how to do what you’re supposed to do in the first place. Identify and count, it’s as simple as that.

Blackmores: We wanted to see krill sustainability with our own eyes

Dispatches from Vitafoods Europe

Blackmores: We wanted to see krill sustainability with our own eyes

By Hank Schultz

Blackmores, the leading supplement brand in Australia, has taken the unusual step of sending a company representative on a two week-long trip to verify the sustainability practices of Aker BioMarine, the world’s largest harvester of krill used to supply...

Is it time for industry to swallow Schneiderman's bitter pill?

Is it time for industry to swallow Schneiderman's bitter pill?

By Hank Schultz

Should the dietary supplements industry look at the actions of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman as a wake-up call? There are many valid reasons to brush off his actions as mere grandstanding, but if for nothing other than political purposes...

Special Edition: Supply in the time of Schneiderman

Special Edition: Supply in the time of Schneiderman

By Hank Schultz

The supply end of the dietary supplement sector has come under extraordinary pressures of late. While the NYAG affair has called the integrity of the supply chain into question, demand continues to increase for certain ingredients such as Ayurvedic herbs...

To Herb is Human

To Herb is Human

By Steve Mister, President & CEO, Council for Responsible Nutrition

We all make mistakes, but how we deal with them and learn from adversity, that’s the measure of a better person. At least, that’s what my grandfather used to say. But these days, it seems that the New York Attorney General (NYAG), faced with the growing...

GMPs, AERs, and the NY AG’s action: CRN’s Mister on the big issues of the last decade

Steve Mister’s 10 year anniversary as president and CEO of the CRN

GMPs, AERs, and the NY AG’s action: CRN’s Mister on the big issues of the last decade

By Stephen Daniells

The two most positive things to happen to the dietary supplements industry over the last ten years have been GMPs and AERs, says Steve Mister, CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition. And what is the most significant negative thing? The NY AG’s action.

Durbin, Blumenthal urge FDA to take action against BMPEA

Durbin, Blumenthal urge FDA to take action against BMPEA

By Hank Schultz

US Senators Dick Durbin and Richard Blumenthal sent a letter yesterday to the Food and Drug Administration asking the agency to take action against products containing the synthetic stimulant ingredient known as BMPEA, products which the pair called both “mislabeled...

UL debuts verification seal for dietary supplements

UL debuts verification seal for dietary supplements

By Hank Schultz

With the NYAG investigation cloud hanging over the industry, longtime safety certifier UL has hit on a fortuitous time to debut its new dietary supplement verification program.  The label seal launches today at at the Ingredients Marketplace trade show...

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