Ismail to step down as GOED leader

Ismail to step down as GOED leader

By Hank Schultz

After more than 10 years guiding the most successful organization of its type within the supplements industry, Adam Ismail has announced he will step down as the executive director of GOED at the end of February.

Bergstrom makes one ingredient--OptiMSM--meaning chances of cross contamination are nil, NPA says.  Bergstrom Nutrition photo

NPA files petition for approval of skip lot ID testing

By Hank Schultz

The Natural Products Association has filed a petition on behalf of member Bergstrom Nutrition asking FDA to grant reduction of identity testing frequency based on the company’s track record. If successful, the petition could lower costs in the industry,...

Repeat offender gets $3.7 million FTC fine over disease claims

Repeat offender gets $3.7 million FTC fine over disease claims

By Hank Schultz

A dietary supplement company that has received a previous warning letter from the Food and Drug Administration has agreed to a $3.7 million fine to settle a case brought by the Federal Trade Commission and the State of Maine for making over the top disease...

Thorne Research is building a large new manufacuring and headquarters facility in Sourth Carolina.

Investment to help Thorne expand business in Japan

By Hank Schultz

Practitioner channel specialist Thorne Research is expanding its manufacturing capabilities and has concluded an investment partnership that will expand its business in Japan.

© Getty Images / jcamilobernal

The 18 things we learned from the IPA’s DC Workshop 2017

By Stephen Daniells

From market sizing to the need for global probiotics standards at Codex, the International Probiotic Association’s second DC workshop in collaboration with the US Pharmacopeia succeeded in providing a venue for sharing knowledge and expertise.

FDA hardens stance against use of CBD in supplements

FDA hardens stance against use of CBD in supplements

By Hank Schultz

The Food and Drug Administration’s attitude that CBD does not belong in dietary supplements seems to have hardened, judging by the wording of four warning letters issued this week.

© Getty Images / redstallion

GOED publishes guidelines for omega-3 oxidation control

By Stephen Daniells

The Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) has developed “GOED Best-Practice Guidelines on Oxidation Control” to help the industry to avoid oxidation issues and produce the highest quality products available.

© iStock/Anna Ivanova

AHPA launches GACP-GMP resource center

The American Herbal Products Association has developed a set of free assessment tools for use with AHPA's recently released Good Agricultural and Collection Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices for Botanical Materials (GACP-GMP).

AHPA supports NIST in DNA testing program

AHPA supports NIST in DNA testing program

By Hank Schultz

A new government program being facilitated by the American Herbal Products Association will assess the reliability of current DNA techniques for botanical identification.

© iStock/monticelllo

UNPA endorses the Supplement OWL

By Stephen Daniells

The Supplement OWL is “an important and necessary first step towards transparency”, said Loren Israelsen, president of the United Natural Products Alliance (UNPA) following his organization’s endorsement of the initiative.

Nature's Sunshine celebrates longevity, boosts science backing

Nature's Sunshine celebrates longevity, boosts science backing

By Hank Schultz

Dietary supplement manufacturer Nature’s Sunshine is ramping up the science behind the products in an effort to reinvigorate the legacy brand’s financial results. The company’s longevity was highlighted at a 45th anniversary event yesterday in Utah.

AHPA's botanical GMPs document ready for field testing

AHPA's botanical GMPs document ready for field testing

By Hank Schultz

The American Herbal Products Association has issued a version of its ‘botanical GMPs’ document.  Several member companies have stepped forward to field test the recommendations, AHPA president Michael McGuffin said.

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