Markets & trends

Is microbiome beauty from within set to be big?

Is microbiome beauty from within set to be big?

By Simon Pitman

Beauty from within is a small but fast growing niche that also could serve to boost the skin microbiome trend. Cosmetics Design spoke to Stephen Daniells, editor-in-chief of NutraIngredients USA to find out more.

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FDA: We do not have a policy of enforcement discretion for CBD products

By Stephen Daniells

Despite comments made by then FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to the contrary, the US Food and Drug Administration does not have a policy of enforcement discretion with respect to products derived from cannabis and its components, including cannabidiol...

How much ROI can a company get through influencer marketing?

How much ROI can a company get through influencer marketing?

By Adi Menayang

Targeting the right influencers for a marketing campaign brought in a return six times higher than the average social media food campaign, according to a recent analysis from consumer research company IRI for one of its clients, energy shot brand 5-hour...

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