Markets & trends

CBD startup partners athlete organisation 4CAST

Editor's Spotlight: Startup Focus

CBD startup partners athlete organisation 4CAST

By Nikki Hancocks

London-based CBD drinks startup ThreeDots has announced a partnership with the athlete led media organisation 4CAST to see its products enter international markets.

Getty | metamorworks

Big opportunities in merging nutra and pharma

By Nikki Hancocks

Consumer trends, technological advancements and business strategies are causing the pharma and nutra markets to merge and this opens opportunities for the players in both industries to cater to consumers looking for the ultimate wellness solutions.

Getty | Rimma Bondarenko

Guest Article

Using fermentation to boost plant proteins

By Herwig Bachmann, Expertise Group Leader Fermentation at NIZO

Traditional fermentation has been done on plants to create products like tempeh or sauerkraut for many years, but the ability to use fermentation on protein isolates and concentrates has been a critical recent development, a fermentation expert tells...

Getty Images /  Tinnakorn Jorruang

Leafreport: Half of CBG products tested don't meet label claim

By Danielle Masterson

With CBG more difficult to source than CBD, Leafreport sought to find out whether this meant a lot of CBG products were on the market that didn't meet label claims listing the amount of the cannabinoid shoppers should expect to find inside.

Can prebiotics and probiotics improve sleep?

Microbiome modulation to improve sleep: What does the science say?

By Stephen Daniells

Consumers are increasingly aware of the detrimental effects of not getting enough sleep, and emerging links between the gut microbiota and sleep could create opportunities for prebiotics and probiotics in the booming natural sleep aid category.

GOED chief: 2021 has been as good as 2020 for omega-3s

GOED chief: 2021 has been as good as 2020 for omega-3s

By Stephen Daniells

After 2020’s record setting sales across the dietary supplements industry, many industry members have been wondering if such levels could be maintained through 2021. Ellen Schutt, executive director of trade group GOED, has good news for the sector: 2021...

NutraCast: VMS trend analysis with market intelligence firm Skai

NutraCast: VMS trend analysis with market intelligence firm Skai

By Danielle Masterson

How are supplement brands capitalizing, what trends are resonating with consumers, and what is the outlook for the holidays and beyond? Chase Hochman, Director of Solutions Engineering & Market Intelligence at Skai, said one key trend that stands...

AnimalBiome debuts new products at SupplySide West

AnimalBiome debuts new products at SupplySide West

By Danielle Masterson

In recent years, the animal microbiome has become a growing area of research. Microbiomes strongly influence the health of domestic and non-domestic animals. The new advanced technologies offer a cost-effective option to investigate the microbiome's...

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Could elderberry boom carry within it seeds of bust?

By Hank Schultz

The unprecedented growth of elderberry demand carries with it a potential poison pill if dilution produces enough ineffective products that consumer confidence is lost, one supplier maintains.

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