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Preventing diabetes, new hope

Preventing diabetes, new hope

US scientists have for the first time established a biochemical
connection between obesity and type 2 diabetes. The findings could
lead to more preventive treatments for diabetes, the fourth main
cause of death in most developed countries.

Healthy chocolate?

Healthy chocolate?

Eating two portions of chocolate a day may help prevent
cardiovascular heart disease claims Masterfoods USA. The company's
new functional chocolate, CocoaVia, contains plant flavonols and
phytosterols believed to reduce cholesterol...

Perrigo buys Black

Perrigo buys Black

US nutritional product supplier Perrigo continues to make inroads
into the European brand vitamin market this week, acquiring the
privately-held Peter Black Pharmaceuticals for $13 million.

PURAC absorbs AVEBE subsidiary

PURAC absorbs AVEBE subsidiary

Dutch food ingredients and confectionery multinational CSM
continues its strategy to expand worldwide activities in the food
and pharmaceutical markets with the recent announcement that it has
completed the acquisition of the gluconic...

Pick a pomegranate for 2004

Pick a pomegranate for 2004

Growing concerns over obesity and wellbeing in an increasingly
health conscious society are set to dramatically impact innovation
in the ingredients, cosmeceutical and even fast food industries,
predicts market research firm Mintel.

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