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The medicine hunter: ‘I help to establish trade in plants’

The medicine hunter: ‘I help to establish trade in plants’

By Shane Starling

Chris Kilham is a perennial of the herbals industry, a man who has for more than 20 years acted as a social, anthropological and botanical conduit between indigenous cultures in places like the Peruvian Amazon and western ingredients suppliers.

Expo West reflections: post-recession buy-outs and GMP compliance

Expo West reflections: post-recession buy-outs and GMP compliance

By Shane Starling

Private equity firms came in droves to Expo West looking for post-recession bargains, with dietary supplements firm in their sights. A straw poll in the supplements aisles confirmed acquisition offers were as abundant as natural...

NPA chief: Industry must remain vigilant after McCain Bill victory

NPA chief: Industry must remain vigilant after McCain Bill victory

By Shane Starling

John Gay, the executive director and CEO of the Washington DC-based Natural Product Association (NPA), commends industry for the lobbying effort that has led to Republican Senator John McCain agreeing to alter his highly unpopular Bill.

McCain ‘flip-flops’ on supplements reform Bill

McCain ‘flip-flops’ on supplements reform Bill

By Shane Starling

In this US regulatory round-up, New York-based food and drug attorney, Marc Ullman unpicks the reformed position of Republican Senator John McCain on the regulations governing dietary supplements.

The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

The HVP recall: Damage control déjà vu

Not again! It emerged last week that Basic Food Flavors, the company behind the ongoing HVP recall, knew its products were tainted with salmonella but carried on shipping them anyway. Déjà vu anyone?

The promise of evolving resveratrol science

The promise of evolving resveratrol science

By Shane Starling

Kevin Pearson PhD, an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky is a long-time resveratrol researcher who is currently engaged in studying the potential of the polyphenol to benefit expectant mothers and their offspring.

Nutrient science is not black and white, says CRN

Nutrient science is not black and white, says CRN

By Shane Starling

The Food and Drug Administration and the European Food Safety Authority have similar criteria in place when it comes to evaluating health claim-backing evidence – both prefer human intervention trials.

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

Timber! The latest axe blow from EFSA has fallen, and this time it has taken one of the biggest trees in the nutrition forest: Antioxidants. But let’s not mourn the loss of the tree; let’s look forward to the new opportunities a clear view of the sky...

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