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Industry welcomes FDA claims crackdown

Industry welcomes FDA claims crackdown

By Shane Starling

By issuing warning letters to 17 companies including Nestle and Pom Wonderful, the Food and Drug Administration yesterday demonstrated it had both the motivation and the muscle to remove misleading nutrition and health claims from the market, a move industry...

In defence of omega-3

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In defence of omega-3

The best way to survive a shark attack is to fight back, so say survivors. Events this week suggest the sharks may be beginning to circle the good ship omega-3, and now is the time for industry and academia to start fighting back.

What's the colour of money? Bonuses should be green

What's the colour of money? Bonuses should be green

Never before has the dangling of golden carrots in the boardroom been so closely scrutinised. DSM and others’ decisions to ensure those carrots have green shoots of sustainability attached to them is a wise and forward thinking move.

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