Omega-3s & nutritional oils

Making a krilling

Making a krilling

The tiny crustaceans best known as whale fodder are making a splash as a nutrient-rich marine-sourced alternative to fish and algae in the omega-3 market. Tina Sampalis, PhD, chief science officer at leading krill player, Neptune Technologies & Bioressources,...

Pizzey's Nutritionals heads for Europe

Pizzey's Nutritionals heads for Europe

Pizzey's Nutritionals has launched a flax/fish oil ingredient in Europe after being purchased by Glanbia Nutritionals in 2007. Founder and president of the 17-year-old Canadian supplier Linda Pizzey discusses that move and other aspects of the omega-3...

Evolutions in the omega-3 market

Evolutions in the omega-3 market

Adam Kelliher founded the UK omega-3 supplements company Equazen about 10 years ago after giving up a career as a BBC TV journalist. Leaving Equazen, he recently founded fatty acids researcher and developer, Equateq, which is headquartered in Scotland...

Emerging nutraceutical markets

News focus: Global nutraceuticals market

Emerging nutraceutical markets

By Lorraine Heller

In the last article in a series on the global nutraceuticals
market, examines some of the emerging
markets around the world, including Brazil, India, Africa and the
Middle East, and Turkey.

Choosing health claims

Special edition: Applying health claims

Choosing health claims

By Lorraine Heller

In the first in a series of articles on the potential and dangers of health claims, examines the different types of claims that can be used on food, beverage and dietary supplement products in the US.

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