Regulation & policy

2009 review: FDA warning letters clampdown

2009 review: FDA warning letters clampdown

In 2008, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued 44 warning letters with internet cancer claims being the primary target. In 2009, the agency upped the ante, issuing 73 letters, half of which targeted swine flu (H1N1) products. Washington DC-based...

The devil in GMP details

DSHEA turns 15

The devil in GMP details

By Shane Starling

In the fifth and final installment of this DSHEA special, Frank Jaksch, the president and chief executive officer of Californian-based botanicals reference provider, Chromadex, outlines why he thinks current GMP inspection methodologies are unlikely to...

Too many trade groups spoil the lobbying broth?

Special edition: DSHEA turns 15

Too many trade groups spoil the lobbying broth?

By Shane Starling

In the third part of this DSHEA special, George Pontiakos, the president and chief executive officer of California-based, BI Nutraceuticals, tells Shane Starling why the dietary supplements industry suffers under the lack of a unified voice.

Provexis tomato extract claim approved by EC

Provexis tomato extract claim approved by EC

By Shane Starling

More than six months after receiving a positive health claim opinion from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) linking its tomato extract to blood circulation benefits, UK biotech firm Provexis has been handed final claim wording by the European...

Free speech argument a

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Free speech argument a "possible avenue": UK lawyer

By Stephen Daniells

Making claims based on non-conclusive but still substantial science is a "possible avenue" since denying a 'maybe' claim may challenge free speech rights, says a UK lawyer.

Blumenthal: On supplements regulations and outrunners

Special edition: DSHEA turns 15

Blumenthal: On supplements regulations and outrunners

By Shane Starling

In part two of this DSHEA special, Mark Blumenthal, founder and executive director of the American Botanical Council, outlines why he believes DSHEA is a victim of the “erroneous negative view” that it limits the power of the FDA and can’t control rogue...

Are health claims suppressing free speech?

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Are health claims suppressing free speech?

By Stephen Daniells

US attorney Jonathan Emord draws parallels between his experiences in the US challenging the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the current health claims situation in Europe on the basis of free speech.

DSHEA turns 15 and growing up fast

Special edition: DSHEA turns 15

DSHEA turns 15 and growing up fast

By Shane Starling

The Dietary Supplements and Health Education Act (DSHEA) celebrated its fifteenth birthday in October – a birthday some thought would not be achieved.

Report reveals flaws in US food tracing system

Report reveals flaws in US food tracing system

By Rory Harrington

There are serious flaws in a US Government system to help federal agencies pinpoint plants implicated in outbreaks of food-borne illnesses, according to new report.

FDA cops (more) GMP criticism

FDA cops (more) GMP criticism

By Shane Starling

Insufficient inspection numbers, unclear ingredient identity testing and supplier audit requirements to meet Good Manufacturing Processes (GMPs), are some of the problems blighting the recently introduced regulation, says a Californian-based supplier.

NPA: We need more cops, not laws

NPA: We need more cops, not laws

By Shane Starling

Responding to a call from the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) for greater regulation of the dietary supplements industry, trade groups have defended the legal status quo – fingering a lack of policing for a rise in contamination problems from...

General Mills pushes case for Cheerios claim

General Mills pushes case for Cheerios claim

By Guy Montague-Jones

General Mills has responded to a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) letter asking for more evidence to support a revised health claim regarding the impact of Cheerios on cholesterol levels.

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Ka-CHING! Hear that? No it’s not the sound of overflowing cash registers as consumers throw endless wads of euros at scientifically-backed, healthy foods in greater numbers than ever before.

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