Markets & trends

NPA members reject adding big retailers, online outlets

NPA members reject adding big retailers, online outlets

By Hank Schultz

The membership of the Natural Products Association rejected a move to expand retail membership  beyond traditional health food stores.  But it passed another bylaw change that might make future adjustments of the organization’s bylaws easier.

NSF joins Non-GMO Project

NSF joins Non-GMO Project

By Maggie Hennessy

As consumer and retailer demand for third party-verified non-GMO product labels shows no signs of slowing, NSF International announced that it will join the Non-GMO Project as a technical administrator in early 2014. 

Supplement industry applauds F&S report, urges action

Supplement industry applauds F&S economic report, urges additional action

By Maggie Hennessy

The supplement industry largely commended Monday’s Council for Responsible Nutrition-commissioned report that found that dietary supplements could save billions of dollars in health care costs, while also urging political leaders and health care practitioners...

Explicit goals and open partnerships seen as keys to innovation success

Explicit goals and open partnerships seen as keys to innovation success

By Hank Schultz

Innovation.  It’s a word you hear on many executives’ lips.  Sure, it’s reassuring rhetoric for investors, as it means a company is not resting on its laurels.  But what does it mean, exactly?  The answer, for all too many companies, even some large corporations,...

Infographic: Dietary supplements for smart prevention

Infographic: Dietary supplements for smart prevention

Dietary supplement regimens may save hundreds of millions of dollars – and in some cases billions – of healthcare savings by reducing the number of disease-associated medical events, says a new report, but what do those numbers look like?

OmniActive shifts management focus to North American market

OmniActive shifts management focus to North American market

By Hank Schultz

OmniActive Health Technologies has reoriented its company by moving its headquarters to Morristown, NJ from Mumbai to focus more closely on its key customers in the North American market. Abhijit Bhattacharya, president of OmniActive, will move to New...

Plant or animal: A global protein snap shot

Special edition: Amino Acids and Protein

Plant or animal: A global protein snap shot


From gym powders and shakes to German ‘evening’ breads to ‘brogurt’ – high-protein yoghurt marketed at men – to the rise of Greek yoghurt in the US, protein bars, meat substitutes and good ol’ ‘trad’ dairy – protein is powering right now.

Protein is moving away from sports nutrition and toward mass market appeal

Special edition: Amino acids and protein

Beyond the gym: Is satiety the next frontier for protein?

By Nathan Gray

While building muscle may take centre stage for protein ingredients, there is a mass of potential health benefits from increasing protein intakes, and increasing satiety may be the next big thing.

Axiom: Rice protein market growth ‘happening now’

Special edition: Amino acids and protein

Axiom: Rice protein market growth ‘happening now’

By Maggie Hennessy

Mounting interest in the benefits of rice protein from the technical and sports nutrition communities alike has turned to increased sales of Axiom Foods’ brown rice protein powder. 

Although joint health remains a key market for MSM, awareness of its pre- and post-workout benefits is gaining traction. Photo from Bergstrom Nutrition

OptiMSM broadens footprint, gains traction in sports nutrition market

By Maggie Hennessy

On the heels of last week’s distribution agreement with American International Chemical to distribute its branded methlsulfonylmethane (MSM) into the Canadian market, Bergstrom Nutrition is looking to grow existing relationships and uncover new sources...

GMO labels won’t affect supermarket prices, study says

GMO labels won’t affect supermarket prices, study says

By Maggie Hennessy

Requiring food manufacturers to label products containing ingredients from genetically engineered (GE) crops would not mean higher food prices for shoppers, according to an independent study released yesterday by the Just Label It coalition.

Charging for seminars increases engagement, Xymogen CEO says

Charging for seminars increases engagement, Xymogen CEO says

By Hank Schultz

Florida-based nutraceutical company Xymogen has announced a seminar series with an interesting twist: The company is asking participants to pay an entry fee for something that functions in part as a branding event.  But CEO Brian Blackburn has found that...

Animal feed sector likely first target for commodity algal proteins, expert says

Special Edition: Amino Acids and Protein

Animal feed sector likely first target for commodity algal proteins, expert says

By Hank Schultz

Algae is theoretically the most efficient way to produce protein, especially in terms of unit land area devoted to production. But the day when algal proteins make up a significant proportion of human nutrition requirements is still some years in the...

Algae producer Solarvest nears market with organic omega-3 oil

Algae producer Solarvest nears market with organic omega-3 oil

By Hank Schultz

Algae production involves fostering the growth of individual, single cells.  But these remarkably flexible organisms afford multiple paths of entry into the nutraceutical business.  For Canadian company Solarvest Bioenergy, Inc., the path to its organic...

Energy drinks in c-stores: Strong summer for Red Bull, Monster, NOS, Full Throttle, weaker performance from AMP, Rockstar

Energy drinks in c-stores: Strong summer for Red Bull, Monster, NOS, Full Throttle, weaker performance from AMP, Rockstar

By Elaine WATSON

The energy drink category - which did not set the world on fire in most other retail channels this summer - posted 7.4% dollar sales growth in the US convenience store channel in the four weeks to August 3, driven by a strong performance from Red Bull...

Piracy blights fragile global botanicals sector

Piracy blights fragile global botanicals sector


The global botanical medicines and supplements sector is a fragile one, and one whose fragility is being amplified by a small number of – let’s not beat about the sea buckthorn bush – dodgy players.

Solazyme algal protein debuts in Twinlab's CleanSeries powder product

Solazyme algal protein debuts in Twinlab's CleanSeries powder product

By Hank Schultz

Algae producer Solazyme has reached a critical commercial waypoint with the launch of its algal protein ingredient in Twinlab’s new CleanSeries Veggie Protein Powder.  And Twinlab gets a vital differentiator in the increasingly competitive vegetable protein...

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