Brands & manufacturers

Koios CEO: ‘Brain function is the world’s new currency’

Editor's Spotlight

Koios CEO: ‘Brain function is the world’s new currency’

By Adi Menayang

As industrialized nations continue to move away from manual labor toward tech- and creative-based economies, it is about time that nootropic products become more mainstream, says the CEO and founder of Koios.

© Getty Images / ThamKC

Special Edition: Supplements for Pets

Where is the innovation in the pet supplements space?

By Stephen Daniells

Delivery systems and proprietary ingredients are the tip of the innovation spear for pet supplements (think cats and dogs), but nothing is hotter than one ingredient: CBD.

Getty Images / Alexei_TM

Special Edition: Supplements for Pets

Inspired by customer feedback, Myos Rens bets on pet nutrition space

By Adi Menayang

While the supplement space for humans is booming with options for muscle growth and health, the same can’t be said for the pet space, said the CEO of Myos Rens. He believes his supplement company can fill in that white space.

Photo: Redcon1

Redcon1 expands distribution in military channel

By Adi Menayang

Roughly 38% of sports nutrition brand Redcon1’s core consumers are active or former military members, “so they play an important role in our business,” said company founder and CEO Aaron Singerman.

© Getty Images / image_jungle

Guest article

‘Under Siege’: A year of reflection and next level growth

By George Paraskevakos, Executive Director, International Probiotics Association (IPA)

As I celebrated three years at IPA in April, I couldn’t help but reflect on the shape the industry has taken. Going from being sparingly mentioned in the press and fast forward to today and it is almost every other week we see probiotics in the headlines....

© Getty Images / Ekaterina79

Guest article

The Supplement OWL and the CDX: the Evolution of Self-Regulation

By Steve Mister, president/CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)

Unless you’ve been living in a tree, most stakeholders in the dietary supplement industry have heard of the Supplement OWL. Please pardon the pun, but “hoo” hasn’t?

© Getty Images / redstallion

Guest article

EPA and DHA Omega-3s: Reflections on 2018

By Ellen Schutt, Executive Director, GOED (Global Organization for EPA & DHA Omega-3)

New science, developments in contaminant regulations, a new conversation around micro- and nanoplastics, and challenges on the regulatory front: In this guest article, Ellen Schutt, Executive Director of GOED, looks back on a very busy 2018 in the omega-3...

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