Cognitive function

Brain boosting bioactives, Part 1: From omega-3 to vitamin E

Brain boosting bioactives, Part 1: From omega-3 to vitamin E

By Stephen Daniells

Memory, attention and focus, development, mood; there are numerous ways that a nutrient or ingredient can affect cognitive health. But which have the most science, how do they work, and how are they performing in the market?

“Aker BioMarine has appointed a talented leader with a vision of how to take the company into the future.”

Norwegian krill player appoints new chief

By Shane Starling

Matts Johansen has been appointed CEO of krill major Aker BioMarine with a mandate to “to continue to develop one of Norway's most exciting biotechnology companies into a solid and predictable company”.

Sabinsa expands Ayurvedic herb cultivation as demand grows

Sabinsa expands Ayurvedic herb cultivation as demand grows

By Stephen Daniells

Botanical supplier Sabinsa is expanding its existing cultivation program for Indian herbs to ensure sustainable supply of ingredients such as turmeric, gac, and black ginger, in order to match demand in the global US$1.6 billion market.

Probiotics are widely recommended by medical bodies in Europe and beyond, the International Yakult Symposium was told

Dispatches from the International Yakult Symposium

No health claims but probiotics remain on medical agenda

By Shane Starling from Berlin

Probiotics are yet to win a health claim in the European Union but they continue to receive backing by various bodies for gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea.

Dietary curcumin may boost brain DHA: Study

Dietary curcumin may boost brain DHA: Study

By Nathan Gray

Increased intake of curcumin could boost levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the brain by enhancing its conversion from other omega-3 precursors in the liver, say researchers.

Sign up for free for the NutraIngredients Omega-3 forum on April 8. Connect with other attendees and omega-3 experts

April 8, 14:00 CET: Experts debate hot issues in NutraIngredients omega-3 forum

Omega-3 hits €25bn but can it keep growing?


Are omega-3 fisheries really under threat? How many functional foods have cracked omega-3 blockbuster status? How is the sector recovering from the ‘Brasky effect’? How are developing markets developing? How is the latest research influencing regulation?...

There's still much to learn about the role of caffeine in the onset of Alzheimer's disease, say researchers

What do we know about caffeine and Alzheimer's?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

It is ‘imperative’ more research is conducted on the potential benefits of caffeine in the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease, say scientists.

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Product Innovations

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Holixer™, this cutting-edge ingredient derived from the revered Ayurvedic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), offers a new approach to stress & sleep...