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Taste focus for Solae soy

Taste focus for Solae soy

Freshly formed Bunge-Dupont soy ingredient joint venture, The Solae
Company, is to plunge into flavors and to work on the taste of soy
protein through a new collaboration with flavor scientists at the
Linguagen corporation.

Nippon-Canadian green tea deal

Nippon-Canadian green tea deal

Canada and Japan have shaken hands on a new distribution agreement
for green tea polyphenol products in the US and Canada. Canadian
company Origin BioMedicinals has taken on the role of exculsive
distributor for polyphenols from Japanese...

GM Nation? No thanks

GM Nation? No thanks

Parties interested in forging ahead with GM foodstuffs in the UK
have a battle on their hands as the widest public debate ever held
in Britain finds an overwhelming percentage of people uneasy,
suspicious or hostile to the introduction...

Sugar proposals sweet enough?

Sugar proposals sweet enough?

Although trade talks in Cancun collapsed this month the pressure
remains on the European Union to shake up its heavily subsidised
sugar regime. At a time when the sugar industry continues to
struggle as fears grow over a worldwide...

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