Regulation, legislation & enforcement

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Virun forms CBD specialist division

By Hank Schultz

Contract manufacturing and formulation specialist Virun has launched a division devoted solely to CBD formulations. An executive said this was in response to overwhelming interest in the market.

Getty Images / ivan-balvan

From the Editor's Desk

Can a sports nutrition product be too good?

By Hank Schultz

Dietary supplements and the ingredients that go into them have always had to walk a careful line. Everyone wants efficacy. But if your ingredient is too efficacious, are you treading too close to the drug line?

Getty Images / Tanarch

Dietary Supplement Caucus officially registered in the 116th Congress

By Adi Menayang

A Dietary Supplement Caucus has officially been registered in the 116th Congress, with the goal of enhancing “Congressional attention to the role of supplements in health promotion, disease prevention, and address the regulation of the supplement industry.”

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From the Editor's Desk

Why I do this job

By Hank Schultz

A commitment to transparency, which was on display at the Sports Nutrition Summit this week in San Diego, is what drives NutraIngredients-USA’s coverage decisions.

© Getty Images / Rasica

Personalization, artificial intelligence among top trends for 2019

By Stephen Daniells, Hank Schultz, and Adi Menayang

The year is new and many people are getting out their crystal balls. NutraIngredients-USA is no different, and here are five more of our Top 10 big issues that will impact the dietary supplements industry in 2019.

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The big issues for 2019: CBD, the microbiome and more

By Stephen Daniells, Hank Schultz and Adi Menayang

The year is new and many people are getting out their crystal balls. NutraIngredients-USA is no different, and here are five of our Top 10 big issues that will impact the dietary supplements industry in 2019.

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Guest article

‘Under Siege’: A year of reflection and next level growth

By George Paraskevakos, Executive Director, International Probiotics Association (IPA)

As I celebrated three years at IPA in April, I couldn’t help but reflect on the shape the industry has taken. Going from being sparingly mentioned in the press and fast forward to today and it is almost every other week we see probiotics in the headlines....

© Getty Images / Ekaterina79

Guest article

The Supplement OWL and the CDX: the Evolution of Self-Regulation

By Steve Mister, president/CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)

Unless you’ve been living in a tree, most stakeholders in the dietary supplement industry have heard of the Supplement OWL. Please pardon the pun, but “hoo” hasn’t?

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