Regulation, legislation & enforcement

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From the editor's desk

Rapidly diversifying CBD realm will cleave along quality lines

By Hank Schultz

Lessons learned from the history of the dietary supplement industry can be applied to the hemp world, and the blitzkrieg-like pace of the industry means we’ll know in short order who’s getting the message and who isn’t. It will also put pressure on regulators...

Elan Sudberg was one of two NutraChampions awarded at this year's NutraIngredients-USA Awards 2019 on Monday, June 3 in New Orleans.

Editor's Spotlight

Alkemist Labs CEO: 'It’s the personal touch that really matters'

By Adi Menayang

We spoke with Elan Sudberg, CEO of Alkemist Labs and winner of our NutraChampion award to learn about how he stays up to date with the latest science and technology, what keeps him up at night as CEO, and how the industry has changed since he first started.

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CBD’s halo effect will boost pet supplement sales, analyst says

By Adi Menayang

Pet owners are more likely to support the legalization of marijuana than the overall population, according to a recent Packaged Facts survey. They’re also more likely to agree that both prescription and OTC hemp, CBD, and cannabis products should be legal.

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FDA issues pregnancy warning on troubled ingredient vinpocetine

By Hank Schultz

The US Food and Drug Administration issued a warning on Monday advising pregnant women to avoid the use of dietary supplements containing the ingredient vinpocetine. Industry stakeholders wondered if the missive has more to do with ingredient’s regulatory...

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New mouse study finds level of liver toxicity for CBD

By Hank Schultz

A study published recently has found a level of liver toxicity for CBD, putting up a big caveat to the notion within the hemp/CBD world that its products have nothing in the way of safety concerns.

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FDA: We do not have a policy of enforcement discretion for CBD products

By Stephen Daniells

Despite comments made by then FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb to the contrary, the US Food and Drug Administration does not have a policy of enforcement discretion with respect to products derived from cannabis and its components, including cannabidiol...

Food, politics, and the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Food, politics, and the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

By Elaine Watson

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines prompted a heated debate over the influence of industry lobby groups and the extent to which environmental factors should impact dietary advice, with some stakeholders insisting that sustainability has nothing to do with nutrition,...

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DSHEA at 25

Balancing consumer access and safety

By Michael McGuffin, president, American Herbal Products Association

Looking back 25 years, there are several remarkable aspects of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) amendments to the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), which transformed how dietary supplements are regulated.

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FDA’s new advisory list receives mixed reactions from industry

By Adi Menayang

The Food and Drug Administration announced a new ‘rapid communication tool,’ called the Dietary Ingredient Advisory List. Trade groups and industry experts applauded the effort, but many opined that this step still has much left to be desired in terms...

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