Proteins, peptides, amino acids

DSHEA Was Not Carved in Stone

Guest article: CRN's Steve Mister on DSHEA at 25

DSHEA Was Not Carved in Stone

By Steve Mister, President & CEO, Council for Responsible Nutrition

Want to spark controversy? Just suggest to some audiences that it’s time to amend DSHEA.

DSHEA at 25: In conversation with Scott Bass and Loren Israelsen


DSHEA at 25: In conversation with Scott Bass and Loren Israelsen

By Stephen Daniells

The brilliant strategy of Sen. Orrin Hatch, the upswell of grassroots consumer pressure, and the ‘highly unusual’ personal intervention of an FDA Commissioner: The development and passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act is a fascinating...

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At Expo West 2019, enduring appeal of protein shows

By Adi Menayang

Not long ago, high protein content call-outs were reserved for ready-to-drink milkshakes and protein bars. Today, everything from snacks to pasta to frozen food boast high protein content on their packaging. What’s sustaining the protein fortification...

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From the Editor's Desk: Separating fads from trends

By FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: Separating fads from trends

Innovation is the lifeblood of the supplement business, as it is with most industries. But can this thirst for ‘the new’ get out of hand, and lead to a mere merry go round of fad chasing?

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