Omega-3s & nutritional oils

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Guest article

Omega-3 Overview 2020: COVID and Contradictions (in Science)

By Ellen Schutt, Executive Director, GOED

The year 2020 will go down in history as a year like no other; the overused adjective “unprecedented” doesn’t even seem to do the situation justice anymore. In a year dominated by COVID-19, it’s impossible to look at any industry segment without examining...

©Getty Images - Batuhan Toker

High DHA supplement boosts testosterone in overweight men

By Hank Schultz

Researchers have found that a high DHA fish oil supplement raised testosterone levels in a cohort of obese men. The result come from a secondary analysis of data from a larger trial done to look for insulin sensitivity effects.

Aker's new ingredient is built on new research about how DHA crosses the blood brain barrier.  Aker BioMarine photo

Aker debuts new ingredient that breaks ground in brain, eye health

By Hank Schultz

Aker BioMarine has debuted a new ingredient developed from krill oil. The new product, which features EPA and DHA bound to a lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) backbone, is based on cutting edge research and breaks ground in the area of brain and eye health,...

New research institute aims to advance omega-3 science

New research institute aims to advance omega-3 science

By Stephen Daniells

Dr William Harris, renowned fatty acid researcher and co-creator of the Omega-3 Index, has founded a new research institute to help build the evidence linking higher omega-3 levels with better health outcomes.

©Getty Images - Wavebreakmedia

DHA boosts cyclists' power numbers

By Hank Schultz

Amateur cyclists supplemented with a hefty dose of DHA improved their power output, a recent study has concluded.

Aker further upgrades krill fleet with new support vessel

Aker further upgrades krill fleet with new support vessel

By Hank Schultz

Norwegian krill oil supplier Aker BioMarine has announced the launch of yet another new vessel, in this case a supply ship that supports the company’s three harvesting vessels operating in Antarctic waters.

©Getty Images - marchmeena29

Sept. 24 Omega-3s webinar

Do omega-3s have place in pandemic plan? Tune in on Thursday to find out

By Hank Schultz

Omega-3s are the one of the oldest and best researched of ingredients, but new science is being done all the time. A NutraIngredients-USA webinar this week will look at some of the emerging evidence in immune health, sports nutrition, cognitive benefits...

A new population survey has found the Antarctic krill population is stable. Aker Biomarine AS photo.

Sustainability picture remains bright for marine sources of omega-3s

By Hank Schultz

Smoke-choked skies from wildfires in the western US and a roiling hurricane season put consumers on edge about the state of the natural world. But omega-3s experts say that gloomy scenario shouldn’t cloud the outlook for omega-3s sustainability, which...

Getty Images / Songsak Paname

Technology fuels omega-3 growth

By Danielle Masterson

Fortune Business Insights’ recent report predicts the increasing demand for omega-3 in nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and the functional foods sector is creating lucrative growth opportunities for the global omega-3 fatty acids market.

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