Omega-3s & nutritional oils

CRN on silencing the critics with a dose of research

Guest Article

CRN on silencing the critics with a dose of research

By Steve Mister, President & CEO, Council for Responsible Nutrition

These are confusing times to be a dietary supplement consumer – one day, a particular nutrient is touted as a magic bullet, and the next it’s a waste of money. In this constant news cycle we live in, consumers are left even more puzzled about what’s really...

Editors’ picks: Our favorite articles of 2013

Editors’ picks: Our favorite articles of 2013

By The NutraIngredients-USA team

We enjoy writing some articles more than others, whether it’s because of the subject, the impact for industry, the insights from commentators, or other reasons. But which articles did we enjoy writing the most and why?

Neptune, Aker end patent struggles with licensure agreement

Neptune, Aker end patent struggles with licensure agreement

By Hank Schultz

Some things have seemed immutable: Death. Taxes. The Krill Wars. But the latter has (mostly) fallen off that list with the announcement this morning that fierce competitors Neptune Technologies & Bioressources and Aker BioMarine have reached an 11th-hour...

Purified omega-7 supplement hits market

Purified omega-7 supplement hits market

By Hank Schultz

A supplement called Cardia7, built around the benefits of omega-7 palmitoleic acid, a long chain fatty acid found in fish oil as well as sea buckthorn berries and macadamia nuts, has been launched by Ohio-based Omega Wonders.

Krill study suggests anti-aging potential

Krill study suggests anti-aging potential

By Nathan Gray

Supplementation with krill powder could help to prevent age-related declines in weight and energy by altering important metabolic pathways, according to new research in mice.

AlaskOmega set to make omega-3 sustainability splash in European market

AlaskOmega set to make omega-3 sustainability splash in European market

By Hank Schultz

Ohio-based fish oil supplier Organic Technologies is expanding its distribution into Europe.  But instead of trading on the “made in USA” angle that plays well for its AlaskOmega ingredients domestically and elsewhere in the world, the company plans to...

Could fish oil supply dip provide added opportunity for krill?

Could fish oil supply dip provide added opportunity for krill?

By Hank Schultz

Uneven supply in the fish oil market has had an effect on store shelves, according to Royal DSM, one of the world’s biggest suppliers.  Could that create a bigger opening for alternative sources such as krill?  It’s too early to say for sure, but krill...

Omega-3 may have benefits for dry AMD: Pilot Study

Omega-3 may have benefits for dry AMD: Pilot Study

By Nathan Gray

Supplementation with EPA-rich omega-3 fatty acids could help battle inflammation in the macula and therefore improve the vision in patients with dry Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), according to the findings of a new pilot study.

Global brain health market pushing $2bn mark

Special Edition: Brain-boosting ingredients

Global brain health market pushing $2bn mark as Asia and supplements shine

By Shane Starling

Sales of brain health boosting food supplements like omega-3s, the B vitamin group, vitamin C and phosphatidylserine are driving the category toward sales of €2bn globally, even as brain-boosting foods and beverages have endured a flat period.

Battling cognitive decline: Where do we stand?

Special edition: Brain boosting ingredients

Battling cognitive decline: Where do we stand?

By Nathan Gray

Cognitive impairments have been long linked to the development of dementia and memory problems in the elderly. However, recent research has begun to suggest that nutrition can play a vital role in protecting against such declines. In this special edition...

EPA stands alone as a depression fighter

Special Edition: Brain Boosting Ingredients

EPA stands alone as a depression fighter

By Hank Schultz

Omega 3s have been studied for their effect on cognitive health for decades. The science linking EPA with this health indication is less well developed than that for DHA, but new results are coming to the fore all the time, experts say.

EPA-only nutraceuticals ride pharma's coattails into marketplace

EPA-only nutraceuticals ride pharma's coattails into marketplace

By Hank Schultz

EPA-only ingredients and products are gaining traction in the supplements marketplace as more scientific evidence piles up for the ingredient as a standalone entity, independent of its source in oils that contain both EPA and DHA omega-3s.

Neptune notches loss as it strives to maintain market share

Neptune notches loss as it strives to maintain market share

By Hank Schultz

Neptune Technologies and Bioressources, the pioneer in the krill oil sector, has reported a second quarter loss as it recovers from the destruction of its sole production facility.  The company will have some work to do to regain market share once it...

Does new study cast doubt on omega-3 brain benefits?

Does new study cast doubt on omega-3 brain benefits?

By Nathan Gray

Consumption of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may not offer protection against cognitive declines, according to new study. However researchers have warned that the findings should not mean that we think omega-3 has no effect.

New algae omega 3s player Qualitas goes head to head with krill

New algae omega 3s player Qualitas goes head to head with krill

By Hank Schultz

When Qualitas Health debuts its EPA algal oil at Supply Side West in November it says it believes it will be the only algal omega-3s source based on polar lipids on the market. And to demonstrate the ingredient’s effectiveness, the company has released...

Infographic: Dietary supplements for smart prevention

Infographic: Dietary supplements for smart prevention

Dietary supplement regimens may save hundreds of millions of dollars – and in some cases billions – of healthcare savings by reducing the number of disease-associated medical events, says a new report, but what do those numbers look like?

Krill oil now no. 2 omega-3 source behind fish oil, Aker says

Krill oil now no. 2 omega-3 source behind fish oil, Aker says

By Hank Schultz

Momentum is a hard thing to acquire in the nutraceutical business, but once you have it, it seems to feed on itself.  So it seems with krill oil, which is now the second-best selling form of omega-3s for supplements after fish oil, according to krill...

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