Omega-3s & nutritional oils

Paul Grasset / eyeEM / Getty Images

Paper lays out new way to think about carbon capture and land use

By Hank Schultz

A paper publishing today in Nature posits a new paradigm for measuring the carbon capture potential of land uses. Deciding whether a plot is best used for supporting a forest or if agriculture is a more appropriate use requires this baseline calculation,...

© Getty Images / redstallion

Guest article

EPA and DHA Omega-3s: Reflections on 2018

By Ellen Schutt, Executive Director, GOED (Global Organization for EPA & DHA Omega-3)

New science, developments in contaminant regulations, a new conversation around micro- and nanoplastics, and challenges on the regulatory front: In this guest article, Ellen Schutt, Executive Director of GOED, looks back on a very busy 2018 in the omega-3...

© Getty Images / stocksnapper

Omega-3 innovation: KD Pharma launches DPA and PRM ingredients

By Stephen Daniells

EPA and DHA: These two fatty acids have been the focus of omega-3 research for a long time, but emerging data is shining the spotlight on DPA (docosapentaenoic acid) and the fascinating world of the pre-resolving mediators (PRMs).

Stepan adds to MCT/keto trend with new product launch

Stepan adds to MCT/keto trend with new product launch

By Hank Schultz

Despite the cooling fortunes of coconut as a healthful culinary oil, the prospects for its medium chain triglyceride derivative have never been brighter. Stepan has added to its MCT line, boosting a trend of product development in this area.

Review identifies potential modes of action for omega-3s and anxiety

Review identifies potential modes of action for omega-3s and anxiety

By Hank Schultz

A review conducted by researchers in New York uncovered six potential modes of action for how omega-3s might alleviate symptoms of anxiety. But the researchers found lots of nits to pick with the research, too, and made recommendations for future studies...

Market continues to grow for prostate health products

Market continues to grow for prostate health products

By Hank Schultz

Prostate health is an often neglected area of men’s health, one that could drive significant growth in the future sales of herbal supplements as questions of healthy aging come to the fore, a prominent industry executive says.

The raw material for the iWi line of products is grown at two locations, one in West Texas, the other in southern New Mexico.  iWi photo.

Algae products brand iWi lands Sam's Club distribution deal

By Hank Schultz

Algae products manufacturer iWi has landed a deal with Sam’s Club that will greatly expand distribution of the company’s signature products based on omega-3s bound to polar lipids produced by a proprietary algal strain.

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