Markets & trends

Protecting against label claims lawsuits

Protecting against label claims lawsuits

By Hank Schultz

Labels provide information to consumers, and unfortunately, to class action lawyers, too. Suits over false advertising based on label claims are an ever-rising threat.  For companies seeking to shield themselves via insurance, here’s the bad news:  There...

FTC investigation clouds Vitamin Shoppe-Super Supplements deal

FTC investigation clouds Vitamin Shoppe-Super Supplements deal

By Hank Schultz

The planned acquisition of Super Supplements, a Seattle-based chain, by Vitamin Shoppe Inc. appears to be in question after the Federal Trade Commission’s decision to extend its investigation into the transaction past the planned Dec. 31 closing date.

2012’s predictions: How did we do?

2012’s predictions: How did we do?


In January, NutraIngredients-USA raised its head above the parapet and made some predictions for 2012. As the year draws to a close, we look back on what did and didn’t come to pass.

Italy leads world in fibre food supplements

Special edition: Fibre

Italy leads world in fibre food supplements

By Shane Starling

Industry experts are predicting rock star status for fibre – if a global tour was planned most of the stops would be fortified and whole foods, although there might be a few more ‘gigs’ for fibre supplements as the tour progresses with Italy stop numero...

Can fiber continue its upward trajectory to rock star status?

Special edition: Fiber

Can fiber continue its upward trajectory to rock star status?


Consumer demand for fiber-rich products is predicted to continue to sky rocket, with some industry observers claiming fiber will have ‘rock star’ status for the food and nutrition industries.

‘We need a revolution in the way we think about food’: Futurologist

‘We need a revolution in the way we think about food’: Futurologist

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The future of food is an area that is often overlooked in the context of short political cycles, but we all need to have a view on how we can meet increasing and changing demand for food in the coming decades, according to futurologist Dr James Bellini.

NPA expands social media footprint

NPA expands social media footprint

By Hank Schultz

The Natural Products Association is expanding its social media presence with new pages on Pinterest and Google +, the organization announced recently.

Global healthy foods to hit $1 trillion in 2017: Report

Global healthy foods to hit $1 trillion in 2017: Report

By Shane Starling

The global functional, allergen-free, organic and other healthy foods market will push through the $1 trillion (€770m) mark for the first time in 2017, as consumer interest in preventing illness via foods snowballs, says Euromonitor International.

Customized nutrition driving growth in healthcare practitioner channel

Customized nutrition driving growth in healthcare practitioner channel

By Stephen Daniells

Consumer demand for personalized nutrition, and the response of healthcare practitioners to the potential for more holistic approaches to patient care and  potential additional revenue streams are driving growth in this market channel, says a leading...

Multivitamins – They Won’t Wash the Windows or Change the Oil Either!

Guest editorial: Steve Mister, President & CEO, CRN

Multivitamins – They Won’t Wash the Windows or Change the Oil Either!

Positive results of the Physicians’ Health Study II show that supplement users - usually more likely to have healthier lifestyles than non-users - may gain potential additional benefits from a daily multivitamin. In this special guest article, Steve Mister,...

Photo: Improve USA

Global aloe market estimated at $13 billion

By Hank Schultz

The global market for aloe vera products is estimated to have reached $13 billion, according to information presented at a recent workshop held by the International Aloe Science Council.

Multivitamins: 'The cheapest health insurance a person will ever buy'

Focus on multivitamins

Multivitamins: 'The cheapest health insurance a person will ever buy'

The benefits of a daily multivitamin – from filling nutrient gaps to a potential reduction in cancer risk – have dominated the headlines in recent weeks. In this NutraIngredients-USA special focus, we revisit the studies and the responses to these important...

Steve Mister, CRN

Guest editorial: Steve Mister, President & CEO, CRN

Multivitamin Study: Making Lemons Out of Lemonade

Why is the dietary supplement industry sabotaging the recent study that showed multivitamins may potentially lower the risk of cancer? In this special guest article, Steve Mister, President & CEO for the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), calls...

Whole Grain stamp now on 7,600+ products in 35 countries

Dispatches from the Whole Grains on Every Plate conference

The rise and rise of whole grain: Whole Grain stamp now on 7,600+ products in 35 countries

By Elaine Watson in San Antonio, Texas

The Whole Grain stamp now features on more than 7,600 products in 35 countries, while the number of new products featuring whole grain claims rose from 164 in 2000 to 3,378 in 2011, according to data unveiled at the Whole Grains on Every Plate conference...

Popular mobile food app adds GMO feature

Popular mobile food app adds GMO feature

By Hank Schultz

Fooducate, a mobile app launched last year to help grocery store shoppers quickly look up nutrition and other product info via bar code scans, has added a GMO feature, the developers announced Monday.

Susan Kleiner, PhD

Sports nutrition experts point way toward provable benefits

By Hank Schultz

The marriage of science and ethical, focused marketing can lead the sports nutrition market out of the dark shadows cast by spooky pre-workout products whose labels feature laundry lists of ingredients supposedly derived from rarely-mentioned botanicals,...

FDA: Inflammation and diabetes raising red flags for tainted products

FDA: Inflammation and diabetes raising red flags for tainted products

By Stephen Daniells in Laguna Beach

Concerns over tainted dietary supplements are extending to products promoted for pain/inflammation and diabetes, beyond the ‘classic’ sectors of erectile dysfunction, weight loss and bodybuilding, said the new head of CFSAN at FDA.

Delivery format key to reaching Gen Y supplement users

By Hank Schultz

Kids don’t listen to the music their parents did.  When they got their driver’s licenses, they didn’t drive the family Buick, unless there was no choice.  And now that they are a little older, they don’t take supplements the way older generations do,...

Faulty claims still dog weight-management sector

As America fattens, faulty claims still dog weight-management sector

By Hank Schultz

A study released this week shows that the obesity crisis in the United States shows no sign of abating; in fact it’s getting worse.  But sales of dietary supplements in the weight management category haven’t kept pace with the nation’s swelling waistlines. ...

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