Cognitive function

iStock / littlehenrabi

CRN updates guidelines on SARMs, caffeine

By Hank Schultz

The Council for Responsible Nutrition has updated two guidelines for members, bringing practices in line with the latest changes in federal regulations. One deals with SARMs, another with high potency forms of caffeine.

Omega-3 webinar to delve into sustainability, sourcing, science

Omega-3 webinar to delve into sustainability, sourcing, science

By Hank Schultz

With the marine sources of omega-3s a continuing question in minds of consumers and influencers, alternatives are likely to come to the fore in the future. This issue, along with others, will be examined in a forum discussion taking place tomorrow.

The Strongscience certification can help consumers differentiate validated claims from those that are not well supported, the developer says. Photo: Strongscience

CRO launches certification to vet quality of claims validation

By Hank Schultz

Global Clinicals, a contract research organization (CRO) based in Los Angeles, has launched a certification the founder says will help companies differentiate themselves based on the quality of the research that backs the claims they make on their products.

Algatech receives NDI for new microalgae ingredient

Algatech receives NDI for new microalgae ingredient

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Algatechnologies has launched Fucovital, a fucoxanthin oleoresin produced and extracted from microalgae, available in the US and Japan with launches in other markets to follow.

iStock / FikMik

Study shows prebiotics, lactoferrin make rats calmer

By Hank Schultz

In a study that advances the state of evidence for the gut-brain connection, scientists in Colorado have shown that prebiotics and other fractions derived from human milk can reduce anxiety in juvenile rats and induce other changes in the brain.

Some shady ingredients find home in nootropics category

Special edition: Nootropics

Some shady ingredients find home in nootropics category

By Hank Schultz

Nootropics is an area of the dietary supplement industry burgeoning with new ingredients. But at the ragged fringe of the category are drug-like substances that just won’t go away.

The nootropics industry has the potential to reach the 380 milllion individuals that make up the eSports community.  ©GettyImages/gorodenkoff

Special edition: Nootropics

Nootropics industry has a largely untapped opportunity in eSports

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Consumer needs of the competitive online gaming community have evolved beyond chugging caffeine-laden energy drinks and towards more sophisticated functional formulations of nootropics—dietary supplements that claim to improve mental acuity, vision, and...

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Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Holixer™, this cutting-edge ingredient derived from the revered Ayurvedic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), offers a new approach to stress & sleep...