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Antioxidants to tackle old age

Antioxidants to tackle old age

What role do antioxidants play in preventing age-related diseases?
What changes occur in the human body when it ages? A European
funded study, co-ordinated by the UK Institute of Food Research in
Norwich, is currently trying to tackle...

Energy bars go mainstream

Energy bars go mainstream

A new energy bar with guarana has been launched by UK confectionery
group Cadbury Schweppes, the first 'mainstream' chocolate bar to
enter the energy market. Boost Guarana is said to offer as much
extra energy as an energy...

Nutrinova wins patent case

Nutrinova wins patent case

Food ingredient company Nutrinova has won a legal battle against
Zhangjiagang Hope Chemicals for infringement of it's European
patent for the manufacture of the high intensity sweetener
Acesulfame K (AcK).

Aarhus first half stable

Aarhus first half stable

Danish oils and fats company Aarhus Oliefabrik reported a drop in
operating income to DKK93m (€12.5m) for the first six months of
2002, down from DKK 125m (€16.8m) for the same period last year,
but still saw a slight improvement...

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