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DSM to double ARA output

DSM to double ARA output

DSM Food Specialties is to double the volume of arachidonic acid
(ARA) produced for its US partner Martek Biosciences to meet
rapidly growing demand, the Dutch firm said this week, writes
Dominique Patton.

Folate eases the mind

Folate eases the mind

Evidence continues to mount suggesting a link between various
stages of depression and low blood levels of the B vitamin folate,
according to research funded by the Agricultural Research Service
in the US.

Folate takes on depression

Folate takes on depression

Evidence continues to mount suggesting a link between various
stages of depression and low blood levels of the B vitamin folate,
according to research funded by the Agricultural Research Service
in the US.

Sports drinks boost profit

Sports drinks boost profit

PacificHealth Laboratories (PHLI), a nutrition technology company,
has announced a 64 per cent increase in net sales for its 2004
first quarter. The success has been attributed to the company's
Accelerade and Endurox R4 sports...

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