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Usana to supply WTA Tour

Usana to supply WTA Tour

By Clarisse Douaud

Utah-based Usana Heath Sciences is the latest company to secure a
supply agreement with professional atheletes for use of its
supplements in line with antidoping requirements - generating
positive publicity for the industry as a whole...

Keeping trade secrets under wrap

Guest article

Keeping trade secrets under wrap

By James F Ewing, Michel Morency and Sharon Mollman Elliott

Patents have a defined lifetime (20 years), but trade secrets can
last for as long as they are secret. That makes your trade secrets
both valuable and vulnerable. Identifying your trade secrets
and taking proper measures to protect...

A mushrooming industry

A mushrooming industry

By Sean Roach

The mushroom industry's future is positive due to changing public
perceptions of the fungus, but the industry needs restructuring to
keep up with growing demands and declining profits.

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