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Making a krilling

Making a krilling

The tiny crustaceans best known as whale fodder are making a splash as a nutrient-rich marine-sourced alternative to fish and algae in the omega-3 market. Tina Sampalis, PhD, chief science officer at leading krill player, Neptune Technologies & Bioressources,...

Pizzey's Nutritionals heads for Europe

Pizzey's Nutritionals heads for Europe

Pizzey's Nutritionals has launched a flax/fish oil ingredient in Europe after being purchased by Glanbia Nutritionals in 2007. Founder and president of the 17-year-old Canadian supplier Linda Pizzey discusses that move and other aspects of the omega-3...

Soy comes of age

Soy comes of age

The soy ingredients market has grown up a lot in 20 years. Solbar vice president of marketing and development Gary Brenner casts an eye over a mature ingredients sector.

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