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Round table: Gut health and obesity

Round table: Gut health and obesity

Modifying our gut bacteria with probiotics and prebiotics may be a new weapon in the fight against obesity. Three experts active in this field discuss the current state of play, and what the future may hold for weight management with probiotics and prebiotics.

The pros and cons of antioxidant claims

The pros and cons of antioxidant claims

Stephen Daniells canvases views on the use of the term 'antioxidant' and whether the industry is storing up future problems by over-egging their potential.

HIE round-up: quality, not quantity

Dispatches from Health Ingredients Europe

HIE round-up: quality, not quantity

As the stands came down on day three in Paris, canvassed industry opinion about Europe's marquee healthy nutrients event, Health Ingredients Europe. Had it been affected by the financial crisis and impact of new EU regulations?

Kemin hones eye health vision

Kemin hones eye health vision

By Shane Starling

Kemin Health has launched an initiative with the American Optometric Association (AOA) to deliver eye health information to optometrists and their patients as it expands its lutein-based, eye health education program.

Round table: Food policy under Obama

Round table: Food policy under Obama

Barack Obama has pledged to bring change to his country. Three food industry executives discuss what his election could mean for food regulation and trade, and policy interplay with healthcare and energy.

A menu for American food policy

A menu for American food policy

At the time of writing, the US is poised to go to the polls. The next two days are going to be hugely exciting. And when it’s all over, after the victor gets some well-earned rest… he’ll rub his sleepy eyes and ask: ‘What’s for breakfast?'.

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