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Dead or alive: Benefits of probiotics need live organisms

Dead or alive: Benefits of probiotics need live organisms

By Stephen Daniells

The potential beneficial effects of select bacterial strains are dependent on the organisms being alive, says a new study that supports the WHO definition of probiotics as being ‘live microorganisms’.

Lawyer: FDA line on grandfathered ingredients was not made clear

Lawyer: FDA line on grandfathered ingredients was not made clear

By Elaine Watson

A leading food law expert and the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) dietary supplements chief agreed to disagree over several key aspects of the FDA’s draft guidance on new dietary ingredients (NDIs) during a spirited conference call with stakeholders...

Bleiel: Cocktail of components

New satiety foods will contain 'cocktail of components'

By Elaine Watson

The next generation of weight management ingredients will contain a “cocktail of components” that address multiple factors around hunger and reward, according to the boss of Food for Health Ireland (FHI).


Big interview: Daniel Fabricant, Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

FDA on NDI guidance: This is ‘not a doomsday scenario’ for supplements trade

By Elaine Watson

The trade can rail against the Food and Drug Administration's new dietary ingredient (NDI) guidance as much as it likes, but it cannot honestly pretend to be shocked or even surprised by it, according to the man in charge of the FDA’s dietary supplements...

Study reveals ‘two faces’ of vitamin E oxidation

Study reveals ‘two faces’ of vitamin E oxidation

By Nathan Gray

Research investigating the effects of tocopherols on cholesterol markers has suggested that the vitamin E molecules have different oxidation patterns depending on the compound they are attached to.

Doing nothing and hoping it will all go away is not a good plan ...

Big Interview: Vasilios Frankos, Herbalife

Frankos on NDI guidance (part two): This really isn’t a big surprise

While many stakeholders warn that the FDA’s controversial NDI draft guidance will stifle innovation and bury the supplements trade (and the FDA itself) under a hellish mountain of paperwork, they cannot pretend they didn’t see it coming, Herbalife’s Vasilios...

Frankos: You don't have to go out and spend millions on new tox studies...

Big interview: Vasilios Frankos, Herbalife

Frankos on NDI guidance (part one): Take a deep breath and don’t panic

While many stakeholders seem to believe that the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) controversial draft guidance document on NDI (new dietary ingredient) notifications could spell Armageddon for the supplements trade, this is actually quite unlikely,...

Martek: Onwards and upwards under new ownership

Martek predicts double-digit rise in sales to food & bev market

By Elaine Watson

Martek expects sales of its algal-sourced omega-3s to food and drink manufacturers to grow in the double-digits each year for the next four to five years as it broadens its product range and gains access to new markets and customers post its takeover...

CRN: NDI guidance will stifle innovation

Mister on NDI guidance: ‘We are terribly disappointed.’

By Elaine Watson

The amount of safety data the FDA now says it requires to prove new ingredients in supplements are safe goes well beyond what Congress envisaged when it ratified DSHEA and establishes a process “ominously like the one for new food additives”, the Council...

Could the trade mount a legal challenge vs NDI guidance?

Could the trade mount a legal challenge vs NDI guidance?

By Elaine Watson

If the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not revise its draft guidance on new dietary ingredients (NDIs) for supplements to reflect industry concerns, the trade might be stuck between a rock and a hard place, admit lawyers.

Three gut types may have functional differences, says researcher

Three gut types may have functional differences, says researcher

By Nathan Gray

Earlier this year, an international team of scientists identified three distinct varieties of gut microflora. NutraIngredients caught up with the lead researcher of the project to find out more about the research and its possible implications.

The wait is over: FDA releases NDI draft guidance

Special edition: NDI draft guidance reaction

The wait is over: FDA releases NDI draft guidance

By Stephen Daniells

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released the much anticipated New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) draft guidance, meeting its statutory deadline for the release of the document.

If the pricetag looks too good to be true, it probably is ...

GOED/Neptune: Krill monograph will help firms detect genuine article

By Elaine Watson

Another leading supplier has weighed into the debate over unscrupulous firms peddling ‘krill oil’ that contains “next to no phospholipids” but says the development of a monograph and better testing protocols might go some way to tackling the problem.

Saturated fat reduction is big business. But what is it being replaced with?

Is saturated fat really the dietary bogeyman?

By Elaine Watson

The debate about just how bad saturated fats really are for our health - and whether what we are replacing them with is potentially worse - raged on at the IFT expo earlier this month.

Metagenomic data evolves vitamin E science

Metagenomic data evolves vitamin E science

By Shane Starling from Interlaken, Switzerland

Information about the human genome is providing new insights into the way vitamin E – a nutrient that has very much ridden the scientific roller coaster in recent years in the face of questioning meta reviews – functions in the body.

Pure krill oil has a minimum of 40% phospholipids

Fake krill undermines whole market, warns Aker Biomarine

By Elaine Watson

Unscrupulous firms peddling ‘krill oil’ that contains “next to no phospholipids” risk denting confidence in the efficacy of krill and the broader omega-3 market, a leading supplier has warned.

The Nutrition Keys prototype

Nutrition Keys is ‘abuse of trust’: NEJM commentary

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

The Nutrition Keys front-of-pack labeling system unveiled by the Grocery Manufacturers Association and Food Marketing Institute last year is an industry abuse of trust, claims a new commentary.

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