Supply chain

The fate of a plant community on a remote Andean ridge top is a cautionary tale for the future of botanical ingredients supply, and the future of the planet as a whole. ©Getty Images - RPB Media

From the editor's desk

Centinela: Remember the name

By Hank Schultz

People who would like to put a damper on apocalyptic projections of the effects of climate change and habitat destruction like to focus on the fact that we’ll get through this, that life will find a way. There’s no doubting this (the world is not about...

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Alkemist Labs rings alarm on doctored C of A certificates

By Danielle Masterson

Alkemist Labs' CEO Elan Sudberg says he's seen evidence that some ingredient suppliers and marketing companies have been altering valid lab reports and using those falsified reports to promote their products.

Getty Images / Marchmeena29

Experts lay out post-pandemic retailing strategies

By Hank Schultz

Marketing experts recommend that brands formulate a strategy to be as nimble as possible to deal with the as yet unknown changes to the supplement marketplace in the post pandemic world. A greater online capability is seen as one of key parts of that...

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Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program: Take two

By Danielle Masterson

The last coronavirus relief package that was meant to ease the loan process for smaller supplement firms was largely deemed a disappointment by many. Now a new deal has been struck in the Senate, with the House expected to vote as soon as Thursday.

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Coronavirus: Spotlight on the biotin supply chain

By Danielle Masterson

China accounts for about 80% of the global biotin supply, making it the largest biotin production country in the world. While supply chain dependency on China is a well-known fact for the United States, the crippling impact of the coronavirus in recent...

NOW CEO: ‘March was unprecedented in the history of the company’

NOW CEO: ‘March was unprecedented in the history of the company’

By Stephen Daniells

Many dietary supplement companies are experiencing surging sales as consumers seek out health-promoting products, and Chicago-based NOW is no different. The company experienced “incredible” sales in March, but ingredient supply bottlenecks and the economic...

Getty | Iaaziz idris

Scientists develop argan oil authenticity test

By Nikki Hancocks

Scientists from Quadram Institute in the UK have discovered a way to screen the quality and authenticity of argan oil, one of the world’s most expensive edible oils.

© Getty Images / ziprashantz

Coronavirus: Spotlight on the Supply Chain

India lockdown affecting ashwagandha supply, but US inventories remain strong

By Stephen Daniells

Supplies of the Ayurveda’s flagship herb Ashwagandha from India are tightening as the country goes on lockdown because of the novel coronavirus, but two leading US suppliers tell NutraIngredients-USA that their domestic inventories remain robust.

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Coronavirus highlights opportunity for smart packaging

By Danielle Masterson

As much of the world shelters in place, delivery services like Amazon have become a lifeline for many who wish to still receive their supplements and other items without having to go to the store.

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From the editor's desk

Some truths endure, even through the confusions of today

By Hank Schultz

Botanical ingredients have a history of thousands of years of supporting human health. As we enter springtime in the North Hemisphere it's comforting to reflect on the fact that that will still be true even as the current crisis passes.

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