Probiotics, prebiotics & postbiotics

© iStock/Jezperklauzen

IPA recommends expanded grandfathered list for probiotics

By Stephen Daniells

The International Probiotics Association has urged the FDA to expanded the ‘grandfathered list’ of dietary ingredients to include bacterial strains globally recognized as used historically in foods.

Collaborations, workshops and continuing outreach: IPA celebrates key achievements

Collaborations, workshops and continuing outreach: IPA celebrates key achievements

By George Paraskevakos, executive director of the International Probiotics Association

In a few months’ time I will be celebrating my two-year anniversary running IPA. Time flies when you are passionate about what you do! From a transition period in 2015 to the significant strides we made in 2016 – we truly are living up to being the Global...

© iStock / Ca-ssis

IPA petitions FDA on requiring CFUs for probiotic labeling

By Stephen Daniells

The International Probiotics Association has submitted a citizen petition to the FDA to require the labeling of probiotic ingredients in dietary supplements as colony forming units (CFUs) instead of by weight.

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Special Edition: Pre & Probiotics

Time is ripe for polyphenols as prebiotics, expert says

By Hank Schultz

Could the idea of prebiotics be extended to include polyphenolic ingredients?  An expert in the field says there is a growing body of evidence to support the notion.

© iStock / ariwasabi

Migraine sufferers show differences in makeup of oral microbiome

By Hank Schultz

Could migraines be triggered by what’s going on in the mouths of susceptible people? A recent study suggests that the makeup of the oral microbiome could play a role in bringing on the headaches that can debilitate migraine sufferers.

Probiotic supplement growth is outstripping glucosamine, multivitamins, calcium, omega-3s, CoQ10 and protein. ©iStock/kzenon

Probiotic supplements on rise in global €40bn market

By Shane Starling

Latest data from Euromonitor International shows the global probiotics market is worth about €40bn, yoghurt continues to be the dominant mode of delivery although probiotic supplements are growing fastest.

© iStock / Jezperklauzen

13 things we learned from the IPA’s DC Workshop

By Stephen Daniells

From market sizing to the positions from FDA and FTC on NDIs and claims substantiation, the International Probiotic Association’s DC workshop succeeded in providing a venue for sharing knowledge and expertise.

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Slowing global trade, surging online sales: How markets are changing

By Hank Schultz

A recent article detailing a downturn in global trade mirrors the mood in some international markets, a consultant said.  But perhaps more important than macro economic concerns is the rapid shift of retailing modes in those markets, especially in China.

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Regulation of Probiotics in the USA: Dietary Supplements

By Ivan Wasserman, counsel to the International Probiotics Association, and partner at Amin, Talati and Upadhye LLP

The United States Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulation of products containing probiotics is complex and largely depends on the claims that are made for the product. For example, they can be regulated as foods, dietary supplements, cosmetics,...

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