Probiotics, prebiotics & postbiotics

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Depression: A new role for probiotics in nutritional psychiatry?

By Tim Cutcliffe

The possibility that probiotics could be a new tool in fighting depression is gaining increasing attention in nutritional psychiatry, says Caroline Wallace ahead of her talk at the IPA World Congress + Probiota 2018 next month.

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Will 2018 be the year that low FODMAP diets explode?

By Stephen Daniells

The US market for low FODMAP foods aimed at helping IBS sufferers is still small and consumer awareness is low, but companies large and small are targeting a category that could be bigger than gluten-free.

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What’s on NutraIngredients-USA's calendar for 2018?

By Stephen Daniells

From weight management to deep dives into sports nutrition, multivitamins, beauty-from-within, personalized nutrition, botanicals, omega-3s, probiotics, and more, Nutraingredients-USA’s 2018 editorial calendar of special editions spans the hottest trends...

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Guest article

Probiotic crusades and other energetic and organized campaigns concerning probiotic issues

By George Paraskevakos, Executive Director of the International Probiotics Association

Despite the connotation of medieval military expeditions when one speaks of crusades, the one which IPA has taken on the last year has not resulted into any blood being spilt. On the contrary, the probiotic crusades have been constructive, open and accepting...


SOFAR Americas launches Innovia probiotic micro-shot

By Stephen Daniells

With consumers increasingly looking for alternatives to pills, SOFAR Americas has launched a new probiotic micro-shot, and the initial market reception has been very positive for the patented DryCap delivery system.

Support for digestive health claims among topics for tomorrow's event

Online Digestive Health Conference

Support for digestive health claims among topics for tomorrow's event

By Hank Schultz

Probiotics and prebiotics—the names themselves are a claim, something that companies need always to be aware of. This is one of the topics that will be covered in tomorrow’s Online Digest Health Conference sponsored by NutraIngredients-USA.

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Deerland granted use patent for PreforPro bacteriophage

By Stephen Daniells

Georgia-based Deerland Enzymes & Probiotics has received a notice of allowance for its US patent application directed to prebiotic compositions comprising bacteriophages, namely Deerland’s branded prebiotic, PreforPro.


Mouse data backs DuPont prebiotic for multiple effects

By Will Chu

DuPont’s prebiotic fibre could exert positive benefits to the gut microbiome, according to an animal study featured in Nature which also raises future implications on skin, metabolic and even brain health.

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The 18 things we learned from the IPA’s DC Workshop 2017

By Stephen Daniells

From market sizing to the need for global probiotics standards at Codex, the International Probiotic Association’s second DC workshop in collaboration with the US Pharmacopeia succeeded in providing a venue for sharing knowledge and expertise.

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Probiotics backed for weight loss benefits: Meta-analysis

By Tim Cutcliffe

Probiotic supplementation with various strains of Lactobacillus have been shown to induce a small but statistically significant weight loss in the obese and overweight, according to a new review and meta-analysis.

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