Probiotics, prebiotics & postbiotics

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From the Editor's Desk

No BBC, probiotics are not 'quite useless'

By Stephen Daniells

A new BBC article dismisses the benefits of probiotics because a study failed to find colonization. It is a serious mistake to confuse colonization with efficacy and we need to get this message across to consumers.

CRN announces 11 new members

CRN announces 11 new members

By Mary Ellen Shoup

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) has added eleven new companies to its membership network.

© Getty Images / francescoch

IPA, other experts roundly reject conclusions of 'brain fog' paper

By Hank Schultz

An observational study that purported to show a link between 'brain fogginess' and probiotics use has so many problems with it that the International Probiotics Association has concluded this is a case where "the peer review process has...

MEET THE WINNERS: Ingredients of the year


MEET THE WINNERS: Ingredients of the year

By Adi Menayang

At the inaugural NutraIngredients-USA Awards last week, we awarded four companies for their innovation in nutritional ingredients.

MEET THE WINNERS: Products of the Year


MEET THE WINNERS: Products of the Year

By Adi Menayang

We wrapped up the inaugural NutraIngredients-USA Awards on Monday, where three finished product companies won awards for best probiotic, omega-3, and botanical supplement.

Ryan Durk (left) and Jimmy Bagley (right) pop Donny Frances Gregg into the BOD POD to evaluate his body composition. ©San Francisco State University

Does exercise and fitness help shape our gut microbiome?

By Will Chu

Researchers in the US have reaffirmed a suggested link between our gut bacteria and sports — with a finding that people with higher cardiovascular fitness have higher levels of certain 'beneficial bacteria'.

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