Regulation & policy

Yohimbe limbo reveals cracks in EU risk management and regulatory processes, says ESSNA

Special edition: Sports Nutrition

Ban yohimbe just like ephedra, says EU sports nutrition sector

By Dr Adam Carey

EFSA last year concluded the safety profile of herbal stimulant yohimbe is inconclusive. Ban it anyway, says the chair of the European Specialist Sports Nutrition Alliance (ESSNA) in this guest article.

Is DSHEA a public relations problem for the sports nutrition sphere?

Is DSHEA a public relations problem for the sports nutrition sphere?

By Hank Schultz

The Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act has fostered an innovative and thriving industry. That’s the standard line, one that few would argue with. But has the bright light of DSHEA also cast shadows within which bad players have free rein?

Torch passed in Senate during NPA lobbying day

Torch passed in Senate during NPA lobbying day

By Hank Schultz in Washington, DC

The Natural Products Association lobbying day began with an address from a new advocate for the industry and ended with remarks from one of the industry’s oldest champions.

Fabricant leaves FDA, replaces Shaw as head of NPA

Fabricant leaves FDA, replaces Shaw as head of NPA

By Hank Schultz in Washington, DC

The Natural Products Association (NPA) announced this morning that Daniel Fabricant, PhD, will succeed John Shaw as chief executive officer of the organization effective immediately.  Shaw had tendered his resignation several days ago, the organization...

Keep a weather eye on regs when deciding on new delivery modes, experts say

Special edition: Innovations in delivery systems

Keep a weather eye on regs when deciding on new delivery modes, experts say

By Hank Schultz

Product developers are in constant search mode for ways to differentiate their products, and that search has always included delivery system innovation.  But without keeping a weather eye on US regulations, they may end up being too smart for their own...

Time has come to consider DRIs for bioactives, CRN official says

Time has come to consider DRIs for bioactives, CRN official says

By Hank Schultz

Evidence for the nutrtional benefits of bioactives is steadily accumulating, and the time has come engage regulators in a process of determining dietary reference intakes (DRIs) for the best-researched substances, said Jim Griffiths, vice president of...

Label changes open door for discussion of 'good' fats, GOED chief says

Label changes open door for discussion of 'good' fats, GOED chief says

By Hank Schultz

In the proposal by the Food and Drug Administration to update labels for foods and dietary supplements, the agency declined to set a value for omega-3 fatty acids.  This does not mean the agency discounts their health benefits, said Adam Ismail, executive...

FDA agrees to new deadlines on FSMA final rules

FDA agrees to new deadlines on FSMA final rules

By Hank Schultz

The Food and Drug Administration has agreed to new deadlines for final rules detailing the implementaiton of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The agreement comes as part of a settlement in a lawsuit brought by advocacy groups claiming that FDA...

Science pushing regulatory boundaries, consultant says

Science pushing regulatory boundaries, consultant says

By Hank Schultz

New ideas in science tend often to disrupt earlier modes of thinking. So it is with nutritional science, as researchers discover new modes of action and new delivery vehicles that increasingly push at the regulatory envelopes meant to define and confine...

FTC files brief justifying restriction of POM's First Amendment rights

FTC files brief justifying restriction of POM's First Amendment rights

By Hank Schultz

The Federal Trade Commission has filed a long awaited brief in POM Wonderful’s appeal of a false advertising case against the company.  As expected, FTC contends that POM’s ads were deceptive, and the company lacked sufficient clinical data to back up...

CRN says 2015 dietary guidelines should include supplements

CRN says 2015 dietary guidelines should include supplements

By Maggie Hennessy

The Council for Responsible Nutrition urged the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) to adopt a new posture on dietary supplements in the next round of federal dietary guidelines, encouraging the use of multivitamins and supplements as a low-cost,...

Jarrow Rogovin calls for probiotics groups to come together to build science and win claims

Live from Probiota 2014

IPA calls for fresh global alliance in probiotics

By Shane Starling in Amsterdam

The founder of the International Probiotics Association (IPA) has called on the Global Alliance for Probiotics (GAP) to work with it to develop the science and dossiers that can win health claims in Europe and elsewhere.

ICD said WHO is, “tending towards pulling back from collaboration with major food companies”.

When you say NGO, they say conflict of interest?

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

The World Health Organisation (WHO) decision to grant NGO status to a malnutrition-battling business alliance raised eyebrows this week, so what do organisations have to do to gain and keep such a status?

Professor Gregor Reid will chair Probiota 2014 in Amsterdam on February 4-5. Expect to be challenged...

“I get personal because they [EFSA] get personal to me"

Fed up: Probiotic research veteran issues global call to action

Veteran probiotic researcher professor Gregor Reid is not a happy man. It’s time the probiotic community fought back against those forces that have for too long denied a perfectly valid body of nutrition science in the form of commercial claims. It’s...

Federal budget bill boosts FDA funding, according AHPA analysis

Federal budget bill boosts FDA funding, according AHPA analysis

By Hank Schultz

The new omnibus appropriations bill that surprisingly sailed through Congress recently contains significant budget increases for the Food and Drug administration. Whether those increases will match FDA’s expanded responsibilities under the Food Safety...

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