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Managing GLP-1 agonist side effects with a dual solution for health and wellness

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A dual solution system for GLP-1 users: Comprehensive wellness approach

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In recent years, the use of glucagon-like peptide-1​ (GLP-1) agonists for weight management has surged, reflecting a significant shift in how individuals approach their health and wellness.

These medications, such as Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Tirzepatide, have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in aiding weight loss and managing type 2 diabetes. However, as with any medical treatment, they present potential side effects that can impact the overall health and wellness of users.

GLP-1 agonists are a class of drugs that mimic the incretin hormone GLP-1 which increases insulin secretion, inhibits glucagon release, and slows gastric emptying. These effects contribute to better blood sugar control and weight loss.

Despite their benefits, users often experience side effects such as digestive issues, nutrient deficiencies, low energy, and muscle loss. Addressing these side effects is crucial to enhancing the overall effectiveness of GLP-1 medications and improving patient adherence and quality of life.

The concept behind dual solution system

Recognizing this need, TSI Group has introduced its innovative Dual Solution System, a white-label product designed to comprehensively support GLP-1 agonist users. This system is a thoughtfully crafted response to the side effects associated with GLP-1 agonists.

Developed by a team of renowned doctors, naturopaths, and nutritionists, this system aims to provide comprehensive support through two key components: Nutrient + Gut Support and Muscle Support powered by FZZR™ technology. A good nutrition supplement is dependent on three criteria:

  1. The use of scientifically backed and clinically proven ingredients
  2. The formulation
  3. The delivery format

“People can overlook the importance of product formulation, sometimes, using good ingredients alone may not be as good as using a combination of actives together. The formulation is very important,” says Joe Zhou, Chairman and CEO of TSI Group. “As for the delivery formats, they need to be effective and something that consumers would want to take.”

Having developed this solution with consumers in mind, TSI is proud to provide this white-label system to brands and their customers, ensuring they receive the support needed to stay on track with their health and wellness goals.

New innovative delivery form

FZZR represents a revolutionary approach to supplement delivery forms, featuring versatile 4mm effervescent granules that allow consumers to take their supplements their way – whether they prefer to drink, buzz, or chew. This innovative and patent pending delivery form not only supports higher active ingredient loading and multiple health functions in a single dose but also provides a unique, enjoyable, and customizable supplement experience.

Key benefits of FZZR technology:

  • Gentle on the stomach​ The formulation is designed to be easy on the digestive system, reducing the risk of indigestion.1,2
  • Enhanced absorption​ The effervescent format improves the bioavailability of essential nutrients, ensuring maximum absorption.3,4,5,6
  • Convenience​ A flexible delivery format that is easy to prepare and consume, making it ideal for users with busy lifestyles and a simple option for those who do not like tablets or who have difficulty with swallowing tablets. 

Energizing gut health​: Nutrient + Gut Support 

Digestive issues are among the most common side effects of GLP-1 agonists. These issues can lead to nutrient malabsorption and deficiencies, which can compromise overall health. The Nutrient + Gut Support addresses these problems through a unique effervescent beverage format.

This product combines essential nutrients with gut-supportive botanicals, making it easier for users to maintain their nutrient levels without causing indigestion. FZZR technology (effervescent granules) format ensures rapid absorption and gentle digestion, making it an ideal solution for those who struggle with traditional supplement forms.

Key benefits:

  • Energy production​ Nutrients that enhance mitochondrial function, boosting energy levels.
  • Gut health support​ Botanicals that support gut health, reducing digestive discomfort.
  • Convenience​ A beverage or direct-to-mouth format that is easy to consume, especially for those with digestive issues.

Preserving strength: Muscle Support

Rapid weight loss, often seen with GLP-1 agonist use, can lead to muscle loss. Maintaining muscle mass is crucial not only for metabolic health but also for overall strength and energy levels. Muscle Support is designed to counteract muscle loss by providing a blend of nutrients that support muscle mass maintenance, enhance energy production, and aid nutrient absorption.

Key benefits:

  • Muscle mass maintenance​ Essential amino acids and protein to support muscle preservation.
  • Improved endurance ​Nutrients that enhance stamina and physical performance.
  • Reduced muscle fatigue ​Ingredients that help reduce muscle fatigue during and after exercise.

The dual solution advantage

The integration of these two products into a single system offers a holistic approach to supporting GLP-1 agonist users. By addressing both digestive health and muscle maintenance, TSI’s Dual Solution System helps users manage the side effects of their medication, ultimately improving adherence and outcomes.

Partnering for better health

TSI Group's commitment to innovation and health is reflected in its collaborative approach. By offering this solution as a white-label product, TSI invites brands to partner in bringing these benefits to a broader audience. This partnership model ensures that more GLP-1 users worldwide can access the support they need to achieve their health and weight management goals.


The introduction of TSI Group's Dual Solution System marks a significant advancement in the support available to GLP-1 agonist users. By addressing the common side effects of these medications, TSI helps users stay on track with their weight management and health goals. Through innovative formulations and strategic partnerships, TSI Group is poised to make a positive impact on the lives of millions of people globally.

How to get started:

  • Contact TSI Group​ Reach out to the team to learn more about how the Dual Solution System can integrate into existing product offerings.
  • Customized solutions​ TSI Group works closely with partners to tailor the product to meet specific brand and consumer needs.

For more information or to explore partnership opportunities, visit TSI Group website​ or contact its team directly. Together, TSI aims to enhance the wellbeing of GLP-1 users worldwide.


1.​ Aslani A and Jahangiri H. Formulation, characterization, and physicochemical evaluation of ranitidine effervescent tablets​. Adv Pharm Bull 2013; 3(2): 315-322. 
2.​ Patel SG and Siddaiah M. Formulation and evaluation of effervescent tablets: a review​. J Drug Deliv Ther 2018; 8(6): 296-303. 
3.​ Altman R, Bosch B, Brune K, Patrignani P and Young C. Advances in NSAID development: evolution of diclofenac products using pharmaceutical technology​. Drugs. 2015; 75: 859- 877. 
4.​ Fathi M, Kazemi S, Zahedi F, Shiran MR, Moghadamnia AA. Comparison of oral bioavailability of acetaminophen tablets, capsules, and effervescent dosage forms in healthy volunteers​. Curr Issues Pharm Med Sci 2018; 31(1): 5-9. 
5.​ Altomare E, Vendemiale G, Benvenuti C and Andreatta P. Bioavailability of a new effervescent tablet of ibuprofen in healthy volunteers​. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1997; 52: 505- 506. 
6.​ Terhaag B, Hoffman A, Barkworth M and Vens-Cappell B. Bioavailability of a new effervescent tablet of diclofenac​. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2000; 38(11): 546-551. 

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