Markets & trends

Supplier says vitamin K2 is helping to turn the corner on calcium

Supplier says vitamin K2 is helping to turn the corner on calcium

By Hank Schultz

Calcium is yet another nutrient that has taken a recent hit in the press and the marketplace with associations of high calcium intake with increased heart disease risk. But a manufacturer of vitamin K2 believes that education on the beneficial interaction...

Ancient grain chia and prickly pear are growing in popularity among food and drink makers, says Mintel

Ancient ingredients are the next ‘superfoods’, says analyst

By Nicola Cottam

Global food and drink manufacturers should exploit the ‘superfood’ potential of ancient ingredients such as prickly pear cactus and chia seeds, known for their rich nutrient content and health-giving properties, says Mintel global food science analyst,...

Non-GMO not necessarily organic, and other GMO myths busted: OTA

Non-GMO not necessarily organic, and other GMO myths busted: OTA

By Maggie Hennessy

With all the attention GMOs have received in recent months—good and bad—confusion in the marketplace has inevitably followed, as consumers scramble to make sense of the pro- and anti-camps’ arguments and product manufactures scramble to keep track of...

Quality, efficacy help collagen ingredients gain traction in joint health market

Special Edition: Bone & Joint Health

Quality, efficacy help collagen ingredients gain traction in joint health market

By Hank Schultz

Efficacy, quality and smaller dosage sizes are helping suppliers of collagen ingredients gain traction in the joint health marketplace. But suppliers agree that their ingredients occupy the thin edge of the wedge, and that commodity glucosamine and chondroitin...

Knowledge base of herbal products sector is waning, pioneer fears

Knowledge base of herbal products sector is waning, pioneer fears

By Hank Schultz

As the herbal products industry develops the question arises of whether some of the knowledge that drove the initial spate of creativity in the pre- and post-DSHEA period is being lost as founders retire. At least one industry pioneer fears that is the...

PLT to debut whole food vitamin D mushroom powder at IFT

PLT to debut whole food vitamin D mushroom powder at IFT

By Hank Schultz

PLT Health Solutions will debut a new vegetarian source of vitamin D with a whole food mushroom powder at the Institute of Food Technologists trade show later in June in New Orleans.  The new ingredient brings together several developing skeins in the...

Entry to Latin America complicated by patchwork regulatory quilt

Entry to Latin America complicated by patchwork regulatory quilt

By Hank Schultz

The regulatory picture for dietary supplements in Latin America is still very much a patchwork quilt, according to an expert who has studied the markets.  But harmonization is on the horizon, and companies that are up to speed stand to reap the benefits.

The color of success? See-through, SPINS says

The color of success? See-through, SPINS says

By Maggie Hennessy

The consumer desire for transparency may have originated in the food and beverage market, but it’s becoming an increasingly key part of doing business for makers of dietary supplement and functional food, according to market research firm SPINS, which...

Serial killer’s creatine use no link to ‘roid rage’

Serial killer’s creatine use no link to ‘roid rage’


The European sports nutrition sector has defended EU-backed creatine after a friend of Elliot Rodger, the Brit who killed six people at the weekend in California, said the 22-year-old was ‘hooked’ on the workout supplement.

NutraIngredients-USA: What’s on our editorial calendar for 2014?

NutraIngredients-USA: What’s on our editorial calendar for 2014?


From polyphenols to nutrigenomics and the opportunities in personalized nutrition, the latest trends in probiotics, sports nutrition, and Latin America, Nutraingredients-USA’s 2014 editorial calendar of special editions spans the hottest trends in the...

NutraIngredients-USA Cognitive Health Forum: Today!

NutraIngredients-USA Cognitive Health Forum: Today!


Experts from Abbott Nutrition, Standard Process, Nawgan, and Euromonitor will join NutraIngredients-USA for a discussion of the cognitive health sector, from science and claim substantiation, to market sizing and key consumer demographics.

NPA's Fabricant: 'There have to be prosecutions'

NPA's Fabricant: 'There have to be prosecutions'

By Hank Schultz

Daniel Fabricant, PhD, has seen the clouds that beset the dietary supplements industry from both sides.  The newly minted CEO of the Natural Products Association has been both an industry advocate and one of the industry’s fiercest watchdogs in his recent...

“Most high-fiber claims come from the bread sector. Oat fiber leads in this category just before wheat fiber...

Special edition: Closing the fiber gap

Bread still rules high-fiber realm; Latin America rising fast


When it comes to fiber, baked goods are king. That might sound obvious, but in a world where the nutrient, its source and end application are often separated, it is worth stating.

GMOs are not the answer, just because organic isn’t perfect

Guest article: Steven Hoffman, managing director, Compass Natural

GUEST ARTICLE: GMOs are not the answer, just because organic isn’t perfect

By Steven Hoffman

Pointing out problems and flaws in organic farming and certification is constructive in that they need to be addressed. But using the imperfections of the organic production system to defend why GMOs are a preferred way to produce food - as Mischa Popoff...

GUEST ARTICLE: Phantom menace of GMOs keeps organic industry off target

Guest article: Mischa Popoff, author, Is it Organic?

GUEST ARTICLE: Phantom menace of GMOs keeps organic industry off target

By Mischa Popoff

I worked for five years as a USDA-contract organic inspector after growing up on an organic grain farm in Saskatchewan. I had the pleasure of inspecting over 500 organic farms and processors, but I began questioning this career path when I realized the...

No signs of slowdown for global probiotic market, says BCC

No signs of slowdown for global probiotic market, says BCC

By Maggie Hennessy

The global market of probiotic ingredients, supplements, and foods is expected to reach nearly $27.1 billion in 2013 and climb at a compound annual growth rate of 6.2% over the next five years to reach $36.7 billion in 2018, according to Wellesley, MA-...

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