Markets & trends

Convenience stores emerge as health food destination

Convenience stores emerge as health food destination

By Elizabeth Crawford

More consumers are seeking healthy foods and beverages at convenience stores, creating an opportunity in a previously often overlooked channel for manufacturers of these products to expand their reach, according to new market research from Technomic. 

The event takes place at the five-star Grand Hyatt Hôtel Martinez in Cannes

Food Vision 2015 programme unveiled

By .

The Food Vision 2015 programme centres on the theme of responsible innovation, and includes parallel sessions on food and nutrition for the first time.

Typical EU-approved claims: “Consumption of [X] contributes to the reduction of the blood glucose rise after that meal [post-prandial].”

Special edition: Blood sugar management

Glycaemic (GI) foods remain in obesity-diabetes niche but claims are changing game


Foods that help moderate blood sugar activity are gaining more traction with diabetics, the overweight and the obese – with new EU claims backing their promise to control hunger impulses. With 2bn people overweight or obese in the world, and type-2 diabetes...

4 factors to evaluate the potential impact of a health claim

4 factors to evaluate the potential impact of a health claim

By Elizabeth Crawford

Positive health claims, such as those touting the benefits of a food, diet or quality, more effectively motivate the general public than negative or fear-based claims that attempt to scare people into action, according to a recently published study in...

UNPA: On a host of issues, it's back to the future in 2015

Guest article

UNPA: On a host of issues, it's back to the future in 2015

By Loren Israelsen, president of the United Natural Products Alliance

On the cusp of its 30th anniversary, there’s been a lot of talk about the look forward provided by the 1985 movie, Back to the Future. A similar look back at the natural health products industry to see the future is not such a far-fetched idea. A number...

Reaching beyond athletes will drive sales of protein drinks

Reaching beyond athletes will drive sales of protein drinks

By Elizabeth Crawford

Consumer interest in health and wellness and on-the-go food continue to fuel growth in the nutritional drink category, but manufacturers could take sales even higher by targeting older and non-athletic consumers, according to Synergy Flavors and market...

The 10 key events of 2014… Our editors' selections

The 10 key events of 2014… Our editors' selections

By The NutraIngredients-USA team

As we enter the twilight days of 2014 the editors of NutraIngredients-USA become a reflective bunch. A lot of things happened this year, and here is our top 10 of most important events of 2014…

William Reed Business Media Holiday video

Festive Film

Happy Holidays 2014 from William Reed Business Media!

The holidays are fast upon us, so let’s put ‘business’ to one side and get into the festive mood. To keep in the spirit of things, we’ve got a ‘gift’ for you – enjoy. Happy Holidays!

Supplement usage holding steady, CRN survey finds

Supplement usage holding steady, CRN survey finds

By Hank Schultz

Supplement usage continues to hold steady in the United States, according to the most recent survey from the Council for Responsible Nutrition. According to the survey, 68% of all US adults reported taking dietary supplements.

Special edition: functional foods

Functional Foods: The end of the processed foods era?

By Peter Wennstrom

To understand Functional Foods you must see it as a strategy to add value to processed foods, says the president and founder of the HealthyMarketingTeam, Peter Wennstrom, in this guest article.


Special edition: Functional foods

Phood booed: Why big pharma fails at functional food

By Julian Mellentin

Faced with mounting difficulties in their drug businesses, many pharmaceutical manufacturers are looking at getting into functional foods and beverages, notes food marketing expert, Julian Mellentin in this guest article.

Walgreens' personalization strategy puts people before data

Walgreens' personalization strategy puts people before data

By Hank Schultz

Personalization is the new ideal of dietary supplement marketing. While many experts base this idea on the potential of genomic information, Walgreens has gone the other direction and is basing the idea on actual people.

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