Markets & trends

Source: iStock

Can “green” claims turn the GMO debate around in 2016, analysts ask

By Elizabeth Crawford

Growing consumer concern about food waste and the environmental impact of food production could be a “conversation starter” for food manufacturers to shift consumers’ focus on genetically modified organisms away from the perceived negative impact to the...

Crowdsourcing could be interpreted as 'outsourcing to the crowd' where it is possible to extend the solution search beyond the boundaries of the industry. Image credit:

Crowdsourcing: Fostering openness and innovation

By Will Chu

Outsourcing in the nutraceutical industry has traditionally involved partnering with contract research organisations (CROs) to prove new concepts or differentiate unique product formulas - but more recently the industry has seen a shift in its use and...

Image: iStockPhoto / Lukatme

Looking Ahead at 2016? Be Prepared!

By Steve Mister, president & CEO, the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN)

What a difference a year makes! Last January at this time, who in the industry would have predicted the New York Attorney General (AG) debacle in February? Or Senator Dick Durbin’s dietary supplement amendments on the defense authorization bill in May?...

Image: iStockPhoto

What’s on NutraIngredients-USA's special edition calendar for 2016?

By Stephen Daniells

From transparency to an in-depth look at the Ayurveda, omega-3s, probiotics, contract manufacturing, and the latest trends in sports nutrition and minerals, Nutraingredients-USA’s 2016 editorial calendar of special editions spans the hottest trends in...

The many faces of herbal adulteration


The many faces of herbal adulteration

By Ryan Gorman, brand director, Network Nutrition-IMCD

The global natural products industry is beholden to vast quality control challenges, which are in turn amplified when it comes to herbal ingredients, given the quality management minefield this segment presents. 

Source: iStock

OTA hopes to “turn the corner” on organic supply shortages in 2016

By Elizabeth Crawford

The Organic Trade Association in 2016 will push forward several initiatives to help industry “turn the corner” on the supply shortages currently holding it back from meeting surging demand for organic products, the group’s CEO Laura Batcha says. 

WFP: 'We rely on private sector support to improve the ability to deliver good nutrition.'

Special Edition: Battling Malnutrition

All in: Making malnutrition a global priority

By Will Chu

Nutritional programmes and interventions are a starting point - but genuine multi-stakeholder involvement is what's required to tackle the world's problem of malnutrition and under nutrition.

Image: iStockPhoto / melissa

Supplement sales continue to rise: SPINS data

By Stephen Daniells

Sales of dietary supplements and herbal supplements are up about 4% and 17%, respectively, for 2015 compared to 2014, according to new data from SPINS provided to NutraIngredients-USA.

Image: iStockPhoto

The 10 key events of 2015… Our Editors’ selection

By Stephen Daniells

As we enter the twilight days of 2015 the editors of NutraIngredients-USA become a reflective bunch. A lot of things happened this year, and here is our top 10 of most important events of the year…

'Manufacturers need to invest in new product development,' say analysts

Sports food expected to outpace sports drinks in 2015 – 2020

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Sports drinks may have accounted for the largest share of the sports nutrition market in 2014, but sports food is expected to witness the highest growth for 2015 – 2020, according to a report from P&S Market Research.

Foodpolis to offer companies a route to China from scandal-free Korea


Foodpolis to offer companies a route to China from scandal-free Korea

By RJ Whitehead in Iksan, South Korea

An afternoon in the company of a provincial Korean mayor clothed in silky blue national dress isn’t the standard recipe for a Tuesday. But he is insistent, and it’s time well spent when you consider the importance to the local economy of what Iksan’s...

Image © iStockPhoto / KUO CHUN HUNG

Ruling issued in ZMC, Kaneka in CoQ10 patent dispute

By Hank Schultz

Chinese CoQ10 supplier ZMC and Kaneka, the Japanese company that pioneered a process for producing the dietary ingredient, have apparently reached a milestone in their longstanding patent dispute. Details of the ruling have been sealed, but one stakeholder...

GNC severs longstanding relationship with USPLabs

GNC severs longstanding relationship with USPLabs

By Hank Schultz

GNC Holdings has suspended sales of USPLabs products in the wake of that company’s high profile criminal indictment. This marks a break in a relationship that has persisted through government challenges and civil lawsuits.

The better for you (BFY) category has been a victim of the clean label and reformulation trends, says Euromonitor

exclusive guest article

The state of the health and wellness market in 2015

By Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International

Is organic still selling? Does the 'natural' trend mean fortified/functional food is now passé? And why are consumers turning their noses up at better for you (BFY) offerings? Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International,...

GNC stock price plunges 28% after disappointing Q3 earnings report

GNC stock price plunges 28% after disappointing Q3 earnings report

By Hank Schultz

GNC’s stock value took a significant hit following the release of disappointing third quarter earnings. The company finds itself between the rock of investigations by state attorneys general and the hard place of a turnaround effort that is proving more...

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