Markets & trends

Delivery Formats: Will consumers sip their supplements?

Delivery Formats: Will consumers sip their supplements?

By Adi Menayang

At this year’s Natural Products Expo West, Trace Minerals Research launched a line of supplement straws. The company isn’t the first to play with this concept, but it certainly is one of very few. So what’s the appeal of dipping one’s toes into these...

TODAY: NutraIngredients-USA's Omega-3 Forum

TODAY: NutraIngredients-USA's Omega-3 Forum

By Hank Schultz

The omega-3s market has returned to mid single digit growth, which is one of the topics that will be discussed during a free online forum hosted by NutraIngredients-USA.

Hi-Tech wins fees in patent case, expands distribution

Hi-Tech wins fees in patent case, expands distribution

By Hank Schultz

Controversial sports nutrition brand Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals continues to make news with the announcement of a victory against a prolific patent enforcement entity and expansion of its distribution footprint.

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Guest article

Probiotics go mainstream at Expo West

By George Paraskevakos, Executive Director of the International Probiotics Association

Probiotics have truly arrived. From Dr. Oz earlier this year, to the Natural Product Expo West show in Anaheim, one might say it is the invasion of the microorganism armies.  As I walked the floor at NPEW this year and looked at all the exhibitors from...

Millennials driving next generation of functional foods

Special Edition: Functional Foods

Millennials driving next generation of functional foods

By David Anderson

The demands on brands and suppliers to fulfil consumer’s desire to eat healthy foods has never been higher with switched-on millennials becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of functional foods through social media.

Is pharma interest in probiotics a challenge or opportunity?


Is pharma interest in probiotics a challenge or opportunity?

By Nathan Gray

The probiotic category continues to grow rapidly on a global basis. And with growth comes increased interest probiotics and microbiome modulation therapies from the pharmaceutical sector. But is this increased interest a good thing for the traditional...

Protein bars by Sourcewell Nutrition feature grass-fed whey

Source Bar wants to bring gourmet protein bars to the masses

By Adi Menayang

In a category as crowded as protein bars, what can newcomer brands do to differentiate themselves? “We [are] working hard to build our brand through social media,” said a spokesperson for Sourcewell Nutrition, Source Bar’s parent company.

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