Markets & trends

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Bloomios expands production capacity by 300%

By Danielle Masterson

From ingredient sourcing to in-house quality and potency testing for each batch, the hemp and nutraceutical manufacturer said it's bringing full chain of custody certainty to its retail brand partners.

©Getty Images - Artur

FTC proposes new guidelines to hem in use of fake reviews

By Hank Schultz

The US Federal Trade Commission is proposing an updated set of rules that would attempt to rein in the burgeoning use of phony reviews to hawk products online. They would also work to prevent the suppression of negative reviews

NutraCast: GNC on near term merchandising future

NutraCast: GNC on near term merchandising future

By Danielle Masterson

After a more than a year of merchandising uncertainty, GNC’s Chief Merchandising Officer, Karlyn Mattson, discusses the market’s current state, growth strategies and technology platforms.

NutraCast: Lief Labs adds new ingredient supply division

NutraCast: Lief Labs adds new ingredient supply division

By Danielle Masterson

Lief Labs recently announced the launch of its Lief Raws division, which aims to provide forward-thinking ingredients to the adapting nutraceuticals market. The Lief Raws products include in-house developed ingredients, as well as specialty ingredients...

© borchee / Getty Images

BAPP publishes Ginkgo Leaf Extract lab guidance document

By Stephen Daniells

A new publication from the ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program (BAPP) will help marketers of ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) leaf extracts products find the best analytical methods to verify this botanical.

©Getty Images - PM Images

Specialized supply chain helps Natural Grocers weather inflation storm

By Hank Schultz

Natural Grocers said the supplier network and customer loyalty it has built up over years has enabled it to restrain inflationary cost increases and to pass on whatever price hikes are necessary onto consumers without much pushback, helping the company...

NutraCast: How TikTok drives sales at the Vitamin Shoppe

NutraCast: How TikTok drives sales at the Vitamin Shoppe

By Danielle Masterson

Recent surges in supplement sales continue to prove the massive and growing influence of TikTok. Riding on the coat tails of many of these trends are health and wellness stores like The Vitamin Shoppe.

NutraCast: MycoTechnology on creating novel ingredients with mushrooms

NutraCast: MycoTechnology on creating novel ingredients with mushrooms

By Danielle Masterson

MycoTechnology has partnered with brands to deliver foods, beverages, and supplements by harnessing the metabolic engine of mushrooms to create novel ingredients. The Colorado-based functional ingredients platform leverages a proprietary mushroom fermentation...

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