Brands & manufacturers

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30 things we learned at the 2019 IPA DC Workshop

By Stephen Daniells

A booming global market with double digit growth rates, establishing an adequate intake for dietary microbes, and why the impending taxonomic changes to the genus Lactobacillus are like Y2K: These were just some of the topics covered during the fourth...

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Quicksilver releases new enhanced CBD products

By Hank Schultz

Colorado-based Quicksilver Scientific has joined the CBD bioavailability game with a new product line featuring the company’s proprietary liposomal delivery system.

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China-based Harbin may buy out struggling GNC

By Danielle Masterson

Earlier this year, the vitamin retailer sought international expansion after striking a strategic partnership deal with China-based Harbin Pharmaceutical Group. Now it appears Harbin (also known as Hayao) may buy the Pittsburgh-based health and wellness...

© Getty Images / GeorgeRudy

Insights from Lumina Intelligence

Sports Nutrition – key trends for 2020

By Shane Starling

The mainstreaming of sports nutrition backed by the ever-rising importance of online reviews and ratings and social media validation, are key findings from a 6-pack of sports nutrition sub-sector reports published by Lumina Intelligence.


‘Let’s face it, the supplements market is somewhat dysfunctional…’

Baze readies for 2020 European debut after €6m cash injection

By Shane Starling

Baze, which in 2018 launched its DIY blood testing service to determine nutrient levels and deliver customised supplement packages in the US, is coming to Europe.

Robert Walker

The big dog: Sci-MX boss in the hot seat

By Nikki Hancocks

We get up close and personal with Robert Walker, CEO of Sci-MX (owned by Samworth Brothers), to discover what lead him to become the boss of a leading sports nutrition brand and hear his insights into the industry he has lived and breathed for nearly...

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Ayurvedic product line aims to work in harmony with keto dieters

By Danielle Masterson

Whether it’s a sign of dissatisfaction with conventional Western medicine, or a more holistic preference, Ayurvedic ingredients like turmeric and ashwagandha are entering into the diets of mainstream North American consumers.

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Editor's spotlight: Startup Focus

Protein power: Startup stomps out misleading messages

By Nikki Hancocks

A startup founder who wants to banish the masculine and feminine stereotypes in protein marketing says sports nutrition products should be made more accessible by removing gender-focused health claims.

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