Cognitive function

Folic acid: Old women and children first!

Folic acid: Old women and children first!

Look at the globe and you’d be hard pressed to find two countries further apart than Ireland and New Zealand. But they stand side-by-side on the folic acid fortification issue – it is not needed.

Brain health ingredient switches from drug to supplement route

Brain health ingredient switches from drug to supplement route

By Lorraine Heller

A Canadian pharmaceutical firm is asking the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve a new supplement ingredient, which has demonstrated brain health benefits – one year after the firm withdrew its application for it to be approved as a drug.

Could probiotics affect behaviour?

Could probiotics affect behaviour?

By Stephen Daniells

Increasing knowledge of how the gut and brain is opening up the possibilities for probiotics. At the 5th International Yakult Symposium in Amsterdam, Stephen Daniells met Professor John Bienenstock from McMaster University to find out where the current...

Omega-3 science review supports DRI for heart benefits

Omega-3 science review supports DRI for heart benefits

By Lorraine Heller

A comprehensive review of studies on the benefits of omega-3 consumption has led scientists to recommend the establishment of a Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for EPA and DHA to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Leading Japanese CoQ10 supplier to exit market

Leading Japanese CoQ10 supplier to exit market

By Lorraine Heller

One of the leading global suppliers of CoQ10 – Japan’s Asahi Kasei Pharma – has said it is exiting the market by the end of the year, citing “continuing unprofitability”.

Vitamin E tocotrienols' coming of age

Vitamin E tocotrienols' coming of age

By Stephen Daniells

Vitamin E tocotrienols are dwarves in a land of tocopherols – the vitamin E giants. But the tocotrienol market is growing. Stephen Daniells talks to Lipid Nutrition’s John Kurstjens, and Carotech’s Sharon Ling, about entry to the market, the benefits...

Nestle invests in brain health and immunity for kids

Nestle invests in brain health and immunity for kids

By Lorraine Heller

Nestle USA has launched two fortified juice drinks for children, which it says are amongst the few products specifically targeting brain and immune development in the under five age group.

Reading between the omega-3 aisles at Expo West

Dispatches from Expo West

Reading between the omega-3 aisles at Expo West

By Shane Starling

Shane Starling takes Michael Chubb, the sales director at Canadian fatty acid specialist, Bioriginal, into the organic and natural product extravaganza that is Expo West for a real-time spec of end-product omega-3 ingredient innovation and application.

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Product Innovations

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Holixer™, this cutting-edge ingredient derived from the revered Ayurvedic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), offers a new approach to stress & sleep...