Cognitive function

Krill oil – hope or hype for the omega-3 market?

Krill oil – hope or hype for the omega-3 market?

By Stephen Daniells

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the nutrition industry’s big fish, and an emerging presence in the market is omega-3 sourced from krill oil. Stephen Daniells casts his net for opinions on the rise of krill oil.

Omega-3 welcomes big fish into fold

Omega-3 welcomes big fish into fold

By Shane Starling

Bioriginal director of sales for North America, Michael Chubb, speaks to Shane Starling about the effect the entry of major suppliers like DSM and Cognis are having on the omega-3 segment.

Science: Getting to the heart of chocolate’s benefits

Special edition: Healthy chocolate

Science: Getting to the heart of chocolate’s benefits

By Stephen Daniells

In the second part of our special series on the health benefits of cocoa polyphenols, NutraIngredients looks at the science behind the claims, and asks how much is too much

Folic acid may also boost baby’s behaviour

Folic acid may also boost baby’s behaviour

By Stephen Daniells

Recommendations to increase folic acid intakes during the early stages of pregnancy may reduce mental and emotional health problems in children, says a new study.

The benefits of a probiotic witch hunt

The benefits of a probiotic witch hunt

Get your pitchforks ready! There are evil-doers out there! We’ve been conned: Probiotics don’t work. Dannon’s settling out of court, EFSA’s rejecting health claims, and the media is starting a witch hunt.

Nestle’s thinking on brain health

Nestle’s thinking on brain health

By Stephen Daniells

Nestle is investing tens of millions of Euros in brain health. Dr Jeroen Schmitt, head of cognitive sciences at the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland explains why it's not naive to think that diet can boost mental development in our children,...

Datamonitor: How to keep the omega-3 health halo

Special edition: Market insights

Datamonitor: How to keep the omega-3 health halo

By Mark Whalley, Datamonitor

The US food industry needs to help address a fundamental lack of consumer understanding about omega-3 if the ingredient is to maintain its ‘health halo’, says Datamonitor. In this special series, NutraIngredients canvasses insights from market analysts...

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Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Holixer™, this cutting-edge ingredient derived from the revered Ayurvedic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), offers a new approach to stress & sleep...