Cognitive function

Marketing CBD is mostly about risk tolerance, legal expert says

Marketing CBD is mostly about risk tolerance, legal expert says

By Hank Schultz

The source of CBD should be of concern for the companies marketing the ingredient, said a legal expert at a recent dietary supplement industry event. But he also said the regulatory landscape for the ingredient is shifting so fast that any opinions he...

Stepan adds to MCT/keto trend with new product launch

Stepan adds to MCT/keto trend with new product launch

By Hank Schultz

Despite the cooling fortunes of coconut as a healthful culinary oil, the prospects for its medium chain triglyceride derivative have never been brighter. Stepan has added to its MCT line, boosting a trend of product development in this area.

Review identifies potential modes of action for omega-3s and anxiety

Review identifies potential modes of action for omega-3s and anxiety

By Hank Schultz

A review conducted by researchers in New York uncovered six potential modes of action for how omega-3s might alleviate symptoms of anxiety. But the researchers found lots of nits to pick with the research, too, and made recommendations for future studies...

© Getty Images / Dr_Microbe

From the Editor's Desk

No BBC, probiotics are not 'quite useless'

By Stephen Daniells

A new BBC article dismisses the benefits of probiotics because a study failed to find colonization. It is a serious mistake to confuse colonization with efficacy and we need to get this message across to consumers.

Study confirms emulsification boosts EPA and DHA uptake

Study confirms emulsification boosts EPA and DHA uptake

By Hank Schultz

A recent study conducted by researchers in the UK concluded that an emulsified cod liver oil boosted the uptake of EPA and DHA. Experts are divided about how the results might affect the marketplace.

CRN announces 11 new members

CRN announces 11 new members

By Mary Ellen Shoup

The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) has added eleven new companies to its membership network.

© Getty Images / francescoch

IPA, other experts roundly reject conclusions of 'brain fog' paper

By Hank Schultz

An observational study that purported to show a link between 'brain fogginess' and probiotics use has so many problems with it that the International Probiotics Association has concluded this is a case where "the peer review process has...

Polyphenol extract helps elderly subjects cut their 'mental age'

Polyphenol extract helps elderly subjects cut their 'mental age'

By Hank Schultz

A polyphenol rich extract of grape and blueberry has been shown to improve a specific memory marker among older subjects suffering from cognitive decline. The results were characterized as having lowered the subjects' ‘mental age.’

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Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Stress Less | Find Calm | Sleep Sound

Holixer™, this cutting-edge ingredient derived from the revered Ayurvedic herb Ocimum tenuiflorum (Holy Basil), offers a new approach to stress & sleep...